part 1

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Hi I am yona I will be talking about my life
I guess My life isn't as interesting as the fictional ones but it's more unique than other's not gonna lie well let's begin


I have always been a child I acted My age I had dumb interests like roblox and anime and all of that in quarantine I didn't go out at all and I always had only girl friends because I am in an all girl's school I used to have a friend group of 3 including me we were unseprable especially with a girl called "missa" she was my best friend we always shared everything with each other and loved each other unconditionally untill we got into a fight I honestly dint even remmber what was the reason we fought but we cut each other completely for more than 6 month in these 6 month I got to know my current life long 2 best friends <3 it started with only one girl let's call her "katie" and I knew she had a best friend
"Mary" funny enough me and Mary's parents were friends so I got so close to them gradually and we ended up being the cutest trio ever after 6 month I missed missa so much so I texted her and she felt the same and we made up!  But... the spark wasn't there anymore we never got to be as close as before
But it's alright I got katie and Mary besides me this all happend in 2022 I was probably I don't know 14 probably so that's my friendship story

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