I'll miss you, even when you won't miss me. 🖤

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hey guys I was feeling sad today so enjoy
p.s it DOES have a happy ending :3

Johnnie's Pov:

Me and Jake got into an argument that led to me getting kicked out. It had been 3 months since then, since our friendship had ended. I wish my feelings ended it with it. I still think of him, everyday. It pains me, it truly does. It hurts that he'd never like me like I like him. I wonder how he's doing? Probably a lot happier than when he was with me that's for sure. I was just a burden to him anyway. I feel so stupid. Of course Jake would never like me back.

Our argument started from Jake finding out about my feelings. We were drunk, and somehow I ended up confessing my feelings to him. I thought he would forget about it, but he confronted me the next morning on how he didn't like me back. It could've just ended like that and we could've stayed friends. But Jake told me he couldn't see me the same and kicked me out. I loved, and still do love him. He was everything to me, he pulled me out of my depressed state. He made me feel like, well..me. It's weird isn't it? The one that saved me was the one that ended up destroying me. Did I forget to mention I'm bawling my eyes out? Yeah.

The days go by and nothing seems to get better. At least, for me. I check Jake's story and see how happy he is, and it makes me happy. Happy knowing he's better off without me. In fact, everyone would be better off without me. No one would notice if I disappeared off the face of the Earth right? I get up and head to the bathroom. I open the top drawer and take out a locked box. I rummaged through the cabinet looking for the key until I found it. I unlocked the box and there, sat my most prized possession. My blade. I picked it up and analyzed it. Jeez, how long has it been since I've used this? Last time I checked I was 2 years clean.

Unfortunate that would have to change today. I roll up my sleeves and press the blade against my skin, and finally, I slice. I sliced and sliced until there's no more room. It felt like hours passed before I stopped. I look down at my arms and legs, they're covering in cuts. I look at the floor and the sink, they're covered in blood as well. I didn't bother cleaning because it's not like I was gonna be here any longer. I grab the bottle of melatonin that was laying next to my toothbrush. I throw a couple pills in my mouth before washing it down with water. Then I took another handful, and another, and another until I could feel it catching up to me. Before I let it take over I grab my phone and scroll down to Jake's contact.


> I'll miss you, even when you won't miss me.

Tara's Pov:

I had to go drop off sugar at Johnnie's today because it was his day to babysit. Jake could've babysat him for me but he's out doing those stupid food reviews. I arrive at Johnnie's apartment and look up. I still feel bad that Jake and Johnnie got separated. Johnnie didn't deserve what happened to him, you can't control love. Jake overreacted, we all thought it, but there was nothing we could do anyways. I knock on his door, despite knowing I have the spare key to his house. Silence. I knock again and am left with the same response. I sigh as I take out the spare key and unlock his door. I place sugar down and call out, "Johnnie! I have sugar here!" but still, no response. Perhaps he maybe went out? He rarely does but there's a chance. Just in case, I head to his room to check. It's..oddly empty. There's something in here that doesn't feel right. "Johnnie?" I call out again as I open the door to the bathroom.

Once the door is opened, I scream, loud as fuck. "AHH!! JOHNNIE?!" I stare in terror as I see blood everywhere, and Johnnie crouched on the floor, with cuts all over his arms and legs. I look around and see his bottle of melatonin nearly empty and his blade with blood on it. I immediately collapse and start shaking Johnnie. "Johnnie?! JOHNNIE!? Johnnie wake up! What happened here?!" I repeatedly shake him but he still doesn't reply. I check his pulse and thankfully, it's still there but it's barely beating. I'm practically sobbing as I call 911, "H-Hello?? Hello?! Please come to my location my friend he..h-he tried to commit please come here and save him I c-can't do this!" I scream into the phone while holding Johnnie's body in my lap. It takes about 10 mins for the police and ambulance to come and I'm sobbing as I watch them take Johnnie away. I'm currently in the ambulance, looking at Johnnie's body.

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