" i'm good, thank you for asking," she added, her voice filled with gratitude and affection.
" hey, you did a great job, querido. i'm very proud," she replied, her tone sincere, tightening her grip around him. resting her head on his chest, she felt a sense of comfort that only carlos seemed to evoke in her. one of the many great things about carlos was how effortlessly he made her feel at ease.

" of course, thank you," he thanked as she congratulated him, his lips curving into a warm smile as he looked at her " hey, later, if you'd like, of course, a few drivers, including me, will be at the pool. their partners will be there too. we already invited lily over, so would you like to come too " he asked, his tone friendly and inviting.

michelle smiled, accepting his offer graciously, as she assumed the pool that he was talking about was inside the hotel they were staying at. " that sounds great, i'll see you later then " she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. she was looking forward to the gathering, grateful for the opportunity to spend time with her friends in such a relaxed setting.

─── ───

as night fell, michelle and lily left their room, ready to join the others. michelle had dressed for the occasion, wearing a two-piece black bikini hidden beneath an extra-large white shirt. she paired this with white nike shoes, knowing she would kick them off once they reached the pool. lily, on the other hand, wore a stylish one-piece swimsuit, exuding confidence as they made their way to the gathering.

" hey, girl!" francisca, gasly's girlfriend, greeted michelle with a warm hug. michelle returned the hug with equal enthusiasm. " finally, you came. us girls were waiting for you," francisca exclaimed, gesturing to rebecca, zneimer, kelly, and a few others who were already there, their faces lighting up at michelle's arrival.

michelle greeted each of them with a smile, feeling a sense of belonging among these familiar faces. as they settled into the group, michelle noticed the drivers engaged in animated conversations. she spotted carlos, who smiled warmly at her, as he stood on the pool's ground. beside him was charles, chatting with max and daniel.

michelle's heart skipped a beat as she caught charles' eye, realizing that he was already looking at her, as he flashed her a charming grin. she felt a flush of excitement, grateful for carlos' invitation to join them.

the girls gathered in together, their voices blending into a symphony of laughter and chatter. michelle shared stories from her recent adventures, while lily teased her about her crush on the spanish player.

rebecca and zneimer recounted their own escapades, each tale more amusing than the last. as the evening wore on and the temperature dropped, they decided to take a dip in the pool. with excited squeals, they made their way to the edge, shedding their clothes off and going into the cool water. the pool sparkled under the moonlight as few of the girl jumped instead, as they swam and splashed at each other, their laughter echoing in the night.

as michelle playfully splashed around in the pool with the other girls, she suddenly found herself bumping into something solid. startled, she looked up to see that she had accidentally collided her back with charles' chest. their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

charles reached out to steady her, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her. she blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement at their unexpected encounter.
" sorry " she mumbled, her heart racing.

charles just smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. " no need to apologize, it's nice to run into you," he said, his tone teasing.

michelle felt her heart skip a beat at his words. she mustered up the courage to meet his gaze, her eyes locking with his. she flashed him a mischievous smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement. " oh, i was just testing your reflexes," she said, her tone teasing. " impressive, i must say."

charles laughed, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of challenge. " well, now that you've tested my reflexes, how about you test my romantic skills, and go out with me to have dinner, maybe tomorrow evening "

michelle pretended to ponder for a moment, a playful smirk on her face. " hmm, dinner with a handsome man like you, i suppose i could squeeze you into my busy schedule," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

charles chuckled, clearly enjoying their banter. " i'll take that as a yes, then," he said, a smile playing on his lips. her playful banter and flirty demeanor had captivated him. he felt a rush of excitement at the thought of their dinner date tomorrow evening, eager to spend more time with her. charles couldn't help but admire michelle's confidence and wit, finding her even more intriguing than before. he knew their encounter by the pool was just the beginning of something special, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

as michelle and charles engaged in playful banter by the pool, their conversation growing increasingly flirtatious, they were suddenly interrupted by a splash of water. they turned to see francisca standing nearby, a mischievous grin on her face." get a room, please," francisca teased, her tone light-hearted but with a hint of jest, as she splashed them playfully.

" yes please, go get a room " she heard rebecca say, as the other girls yelled, agreeing with her teasing words.

michelle and charles laughed, breaking the tension that had been building between them." we're just having a friendly chat, nothing more," michelle protested, her cheeks flushing slightly, as she turned towards charles, teasingly.

charles chuckled, nodding in agreement. " just friendly banter, i assure you," he added, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

francisca winked at them before swimming away, leaving michelle and charles to share a smile. despite the interruption, the playful moment had only added to the excitement of their budding connection.

as francisca swam away, michelle and charles shared a knowing glance, their playful banter reigniting. " see what you've done, now we're the talk of the pool," charles teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

michelle rolled her eyes, but her smile betrayed her amusement. " oh please, like anyone could resist our charm," she replied, her tone teasing. charles chuckled, enjoying their banter.

" i must admit, you do have a certain charm about you," he said, his gaze lingering on her. teasing her with his words, but little does she know that he meant every word by him.

michelle felt her cheeks flush at his comment, but she didn't back down. " careful, chéri, or you might find yourself falling for me " she teased, swimming away to join her friends, leaving charles with a grin on his face, as he swam towards his friends with a sense of anticipation for their dinner date.

───── ❝ tattooed on my mind ─────

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