chapter five - a virgin's mistake

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After helping Allison getting out of her dress, me and her escorted Max and Dani to the old museumn.

Not gonna lie, I was nervous of seeing that place again. Last time I was there was a few days after my mom's funeral and after that I never had the courage to go back there. But I was also excited at the same time for going back there. It was a mix of emotions.

"Legend has it that the bones of 100 children are buried within these walls." Allison seemed to want to make Dani more scared of that place than before and we weren't even there yet.

"Oh, great." I touched on Dani's shoulder trying to reassure her.

"Relax, even if that's true, that means that they're dead. No one comes back from the dead." I told her.

"Cool, that makes me feel so much better." She replied, sarcastically.

We stopped right in front of the gate and stared at the old decrepit house. The place was abandoned and had no security, which made it really easy to sneak in.

I started walking on the small stairs of the entrance of the house, and they made a noise, making Dani jump. "Ugh."

The door didn't had a lock, so we didn't need the old key that Allison stole from her parents. She opened the door and was the first one to enter the house, but it was obvious that no one cleaned that place in the past years because as soon as we entered the house we started to cough.

I also kind of wish that we had brought some flashlights or something, because it was really dark there to make it scarier.

"I can't see a thing." Dani complained.

"Well, there's a light switch around here somewhere." Allison said.

"Allie, my love, unless your parents have been paying for the electric bill of a place that they don't own anymore, I wouldn't count on that." I replied, touching on the table, trying to find a candle or something. "I think I remember of this place selling lighters, maybe they still have it."

"Found it." Max said, holding a lighter. He used it to help Allison to find the switch, and, for my surprise, the thing was still working because the lights of the place were on now.

"Guess I was wrong." I whispered, grabbing another lighter from the same place that Max had found his.

I was really regretting not bringing a jacket so I decided to try and use the lighter's small flame to warm me up a little.

"Here's the original cauldron." Allison said, giving a tour of the place to the siblings.

I stopped paying attention to what she was saying as soon as I noticed my favorite part: the spell book.

"Allie, look." I grabbed her hand and dragged her towards it. Max and Dani walked to where we were, curious. "This is the spell book of Winifred Sanderson. It was given to her by the devil himself. The book is bound in human skin, and contains the recipes for her most powerful and evil spells." I told them, forcing a scary voice to come out of my mouth.

"I get the picture." Dani replied, clearly sick of that place.

"What's that?" I was so foccused on the book that I didn't even notice Max standing behind him so close that I could feel his breathing on my neck. I think I deserved a medal for not folding.

I looked at what he was refering to. "That's the Black Flame Candle." I explained, clearing my throat.

Max started walking towards the candle's direction, seeming interest it it. He started reading from the inscription. "Black Flame Candle. Made from the fat of a hanged man." He was reading while also making a scary voice, which made us chuckle, except for Dani, who was clearly frightened by that place. "Legend says that, on a full moon, it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Hallowen night."

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