chapter four - a change of plans

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I was starting to regret my costume while I was walking in the street, because it was really cold. I should have listened to Charlie when she told me to bring a jacket but I told her that it didn't match the outfit.

Even now, I still stand by that.

I was dressed as a black cat. I was wearing a black turtle neck shirt and skirt and tights of the same color. I put on a pair of cat ears and I used an eyeliner to create a cat-eye look. I also used it to draw a cat nose.

I was walking in the street towards Allison's house where her parents were hosting some Halloween fancy party just like they do every year. I was looking at the children in the streets, all dressed up and knocking on every door in the street to ask for candy.

I smiled, feeling nostalgic. Charlie always says that high school and college are the best years of my life, but I strongly disagree. I wasn't done with being a teenager yet, after all I was only one day away of turning 16, but I still know that the best years of my life were my childhood. When I would come back from school not feeling overwhelmed with work. When I could just randomly ask someone if they wanted to be friends with me without being considered weird. When my mom would tuck me into bed and told me a bedtime story.

She has been gone for almost three years and even though I was finally accepting it, the pain was still there, deep down.

I stopped walking as soon as I recognized Allison's house, or should I say mansion, but when I was walking towards it, someone bumped into me.

"Watch it!" I yelled, but I switched my angry tone for a laugh. "You again?"

Max looked at me, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry. Again."

"Man, you really need to watch where you're going." I laughed. "Good thing you didn't had your bike."

"I keep telling him that." That's when I noticed a little girl behind him, sitting on the floor in front of Allie's house. She was dressed as a witch and looked like she was 8 or 9 years old.

"This is Dani, my sister!" Max introduced.

"Hi, Dani, I'm Lizzie." I waved at her, smiling.

"I know." She smiled back at me. I looked at her, surprised while Max gave her a different look. He looked more embarrassed.

"You guys are trick or treating? I thought you weren't into that stuff?"

He took of his cap. "I'm just taking care of my sister. I always do it."

"Our parents made him." Dani explained. "I love your costume!"

"Thanks! I love yours too!" I smiled at her. "And what are you supposed to be?" I asked Max.

"Nothing, I don't really like to dress up." He explained. "You look gorgeous though."

I felt my face heat up when he said that. Thank God it was too dark for him to see me blush, but his little sister seemed to notice, but quickly shifted her gaze towards Allison's house, with a shocked look in her face. "Wow!" Her and Max said at the same time.

"Check out this house!" Max stated.

"Eh, rich people." Dani pretended not to care. "They'll probably make us drink cider, bob for apples."

"They do, but they also have candy. I'm meeting a friend there." I told them, earning an impressed look from Dani. "You guys wanna come in? Rich people have the best candy."

They nodded with their heads, and the three of us just walked towards the house. The door was always open for Halloween, so we didn't even rang the doorbell.

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