Chapter 63 : Fight On

Start from the beginning

" Shishida's nose might be their biggest asset" Tsu says as they all run together to class b

" We should assume that no matter what we try he'll always know our location" she continues

" And we'll use that against them right?" Shinso asks

" Four people who smell like Tsu so as long as he doesn't see us he'll have no idea which one of us is which" Kaminari says

" Glad your all happy this stuff is gonna take forever to wash out" Y/N grumbles as he looks at the slime

Kaminari chuckled before continuing " Doesn't look like his noticed the pointer"

" Ideally we would know where his other two classmates are" Shinso says

" Don't worry about it I can handle anything they throw at us" Y/N perks up

The group fanned out hoping to further confuse Shishida and catch him off guard

On the other end Shioazaki and informed her allies that she caught someone and was bringing the person to them

" Careful it could be Kamimari"

Seconds later it turned out to be Kamimari with a smug grin " Your right about that, sucks to be you" he shouts

" Hope you had a good time cause you three are about to taste a triple shock" he shouts as he emits sparks from his fingertips

" A sacrificial lamb" Shiozaki mutters as she wraps Kamimari up in vines and making another vine shield infront of her

" The vines should insolate the electricity and even if it gets through the shield should protect us" she says

" Oh I got this" Kamanari said  unbothered by his situation " Your overgrown hair extensions won't save you if am in ten meters of a pointer my power shoots straight for it" he says as the electricity he emits heads straight for shishida

Shishida's classmate grunted as he quickly raised his hand and shot projectiles from his gauntlet to destroy the pointer

It didn't destroy it but it knocked it away from shishsida much to Kaminari's dismay

" No way" he says as Shiozaki wraps him in more vines

" That was close" Ryu who pisses the quirk scales says

Shiozaki lowered Kaminari's trap and began to remove some vines

" Hurry up and get your vines ready" Ryu said

" Right, where are the others hiding" Not a moment later after asking her eyes went white as she was brainwashed

" No that wasn't me talking just now" Ryu says panicked

Shishsida then took off much to Ryu's annoyance

" Shishsida were you going?!" he yells but it was to late he was gone

" Well that's a bummer for you!" Y/N yells landing besides him

" Danm, his gotten faster" Ryu thinks to himself but before he could do anything Y/N kicks him in the gut and discharges a shockwave sending him flying into a pipe

Ryu coughs multiple times as the air had been knocked out of him he looks up out of breath and sees Y/N slowly approaching

" You gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?" Y/N asks with a grin

Ryu grits his teeth but concedes " I know I can't beat you one on one"

This though makes Y/N all pouty " Ah C'mon what kinda villain doesn't fight back"

With that Y/N takes Ryu back to the the cell he was soon joined by Tsu who was taking Shiozaki back aswell

Shishida was tearing his way through the pipe work trying to find Shinso desperately

It didn't take long till he demolished the last pipe and they were staring each other down

Shinso adjusts a knob on his mask imatating one of Shishida's allies voices

" Your pretty good" he says

But Shishida wasn't having it as he raised his arm to clobar Shinso

" Unfortunately for you Erasure Head taught me well" Shinso says using the trap he had layed out

He pulled his scarf down hard u doing the pipe above Shishida and bringing it ceasing down on his head

Shishida shook from the impact but hadn't quite fallen

" Not bad, not bad at all" he thinks but even so he marches forward towards Shinso who's shocked his still standing

" All this fun without little old me!" Y/N yells delivering a spinning kick to the side of Shishida's head and knocking him into the pipe with a shockwave he stumbled for bit but Shishida fainted afterwards

Shinso sigged in relief but Y/N laughed " Danm Shinso not bad for your first Traning session even if dropping a pipe on someone is a bit extreme" he laughs

Back with everyone else class A cheers as their classmates are Victorious

Although Momo was happy she let out a sigh " Seriously? Y/N telling people they're over the top?" she chuckles

" It's your knight you chose him" Kyojuro laughs besides her which makes her shake her head with a smile

" His your rival" she points out

" And a good one even if he is thick headed at times" Kyojuro responds

Momo chuckles " These two never change" she thinks to herself


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