"Now you three, care to tell me why we're suddenly gathered here this morning. Regina and I were actually busy" Scarlett spoke up, winking at the blonde. Gretchen's cheeks flushed a bright red.

Regina looked at Scarlett before tilting her head slightly. "Oh were we now?"

Gretchen interrupted the two. "Well, we kind of do this every Wednesday. We meet up and get ready with our pink outfits. It's a tradition" If you listened closely you could hear a slight waver in Gretchen her voice. It was almost like she felt intimidated by the new girl in their group.

Not that Scarlett would actually call herself a part of the plastics, she would never do such a thing.

"On Wednesdays, we wear pink" Karen chimed in, causing Scarlett to turn her head towards the curly-haired girl. "Gretchen baby, I know"

Scarlett sighed, not having the energy to deal with these girls right now. "Well, you guys can go get ready, I'm gonna head to the closet to get myself to look presentable. Regina, would you mind?" She signed to the blonde, wanting to speak to her privately for a moment. 

Scarlett walked towards the girl's big walk-in closet, closing the door as soon as Regina entered as well. 

"Alright, so. What's the plan? Because, certainly, Gretchen doesn't like me, and listen, that's not a fucking problem to me. But what is a problem to me is that you'll be stuck with those two bimbos for the entire day and I won't be able to see you at school because I am certainly not wearing pink in any way or form." Scarlett spoke up with a hint of annoyance in her voice. If she was being honest, she didn't even like Gretchen herself. That girl thought she was everything, but her insecurities were too obvious for anyone to believe that. And if Scarlett disliked one thing, it was fake bitches. 

"You know" Regina started with a smirk, laying her hands on Scarlett's waist. "I think you could pull off pink"

Scarlett huffed.

"My hair is dark red, that's like trying to match bright orange and blue. But I'm serious Gina, this is going to be a mess." 

"One, Gretchen will just have to accept everything I say. She won't be a problem. Two, Karen already likes you. That girl is a total sweetheart" Regina spoke, tracing her fingers over Scarlett's arms. "And three, do whatever you want baby. If you wanna sit with us, sit with us. If you don't, you don't have to"

Scarlett smiled at her words, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Regina was on her way out of the closet when Scarlett pulled her back. 

"One last thing, permission to be rude to Gretchen when she tries to be rude to me?" Regina nodded her head, laughing slightly but stopping as soon as she was in earsight of the other two plastics. 

Gretchen studied the pair, trying to look for any clues of what they could've been talking about. The brunette wondered how this happened all so quickly, there had been signs, but nothing specific.

She had only seen the pair constantly bickering, having these mouth-to-mouth fights in the halls. Insulting one another every now and then, trying to one-up the other. But never had she seen this as flirting. 

Plus, the most obvious thing, there were never any signs of Regina being interested in women. In the full 8 years of the three being friends, Regina only dated men. 

There was this one time when Regina almost kissed Janis, an old friend of the trio, but right after that, she went around with this plushie that she called sissy Liz, short for obsessed lesbian. This only convinced the brunette of her straightness more. 

But boy was she proven wrong this morning. 

"Regina, why don't you tell us how you two got together?" Karen spoke happily while taking her clothes out of her bag to change. Gretchen did the same while Regina chose an outfit from her closet. 

Scarlett smiled at the memories, thinking back to the moment the blonde came storming in, eyes dark with lust. She remembered the force and hate with which she was pushed against the wall. 

"Yeah princess, why don't you remind me of that story real quick" Regina rolled her eyes.

She told the story to the plastics, just changing a few situations here and there. Like for example, instead of Regina rushing towards Scarlett just to make out with her, she rushes towards the girl in anger to talk about their P.E. project. 

Instead of almost taking each other's clothes off in the bathroom, they discussed their taste in fashion.

And instead of fucking for the first time at home, they had their first kiss.

You know, exactly what happened. 

Scarlett thought it was funny how Regina completely changed their timeline, but she let it be for now. 

Except for one thing.

"oh remember when you were supposed to meet up with Gretchen like two weeks ago?" Gretchen looked up and thought back to that day, remembering that Regina was late by like an hour. Regina blushed deeply, knowing what was to come. Or well, who came. 

"Well yeah, that's when Regina realized how good my head was." 

"Just like Scarlett realized last night, how're your legs baby


Short little chapter for you babies.

I didn't really know what to write today, there are a few fun ones coming up tho!!

If y'all vote and comment I will post them soon!

Bye babes xx

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)Where stories live. Discover now