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Heat swelled around a small girl as the flames drew closer to her, consuming everything in their path. She clutched her teddy bear closer to her chest as she cowered in fear on her bed. She knew she needed to run, but where? How could she leave while hearing her parents' screams from the room next door?  She could hear them yelling for her to run, run and hide, but her legs didn't seem to be working. 

The flames pressed nearer, almost to the foot of the child's bed, and she forced her limbs to cooperate as she unlatched the window. She clambered onto the window sill and reached out for the tree branch closest to her, fighting not to look down at the ground more than twenty feet below. The girl pulled herself onto the branch and clung on for dear life. Slowly, she worked her arms, inching closer to the trunk. When she reached it she swung herself down to the lower branches easily, since she had done this so often in the nine years of her life. She soon reached the ground and began to run.

The child ran without knowing where and without looking back to see if she was being followed. When she stopped to catch her breath she turned back to look at her home. Tears streamed down her face as she watched the flames destroying the only home she knew. Everything was engulfed in a reddish orange inferno. The girl couldn't bear watching any longer, so she began to run into the dark once more, not noticing the dark figure stepping out the front door of her home and apparating away.

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