As his eyes left my gaze, shedding his uniform in the meantime, he made the small trip into the bathroom. When I turned back and stared at two thousand words so far, the sound of rushing water began. Why didn't he go home instead? Why come here after so long? I couldn't quite understand it but shrugged it off, falling back into concentration. My fingers ached across the keyboard again.

How damaging could Society be?

Society is damaged, and the damage it carries ruins the lives of other but those of a certain group, or race, or culture are more privileged than others. Where police brutality is overlooked by another and feared from one, where discrimination runs rampant because others damage the sanctity of a traditional culture, stemming far from the norm society set in place. Society is a damaged community, damaging the world around us because of how regressed we are, even when we progress inch by inch, hour by hour, waiting five or more years for a change because of ignorance polluting the air.

Society didn't seem like a united community where it united the nation. A community where it valued the lives of everyone else. Society views from one select group majority of the time. The race everyone would call white; hearing the name ran a shudder, instilled a sense of fear and rage knowing privilege went hand in hand. While the minorities, the varying shades from us white people had no say, weren't accepted in a community supposedly built on love, trust and strength. Certainly not in a country founded by its one rule; to serve and protect the people that continue its living.

Arizona could vouch for a good example on that. And while it has gotten better, it certainly hasn't ceased control of the world. So must we talk about racism till it dies? Must we bring up the other cancerous factors in the world? Like how double standards run the lives of gendered people, how sexism plays a part in how we live, how nonsensical phobias rule over one's judgement and influences their stake in the world? Social influences were in deed harming in the wrong hands and so, it proves how damaging Society can be.

All because of hatred. That one simple word, a word birthing ignorance and stupidity and radicle judgements based on nothing but pure speculation and their own views; whether it held some truth to it or built on lies because they were privileged. Hatred. Hatred birthed the world's cancer and who knows, we just might aid in its death one day. Who knew hatred caused so much pain, how a privilege overruled a right, and how easily influenced society became.

"Has Chance ever slept here?"

"What?" I snapped out of thought and turned, taking in a full sight of bare chested Leone with just a towel around his waist. Questioned eyes staring me back. He cocked his head towards the bed and then did I note Chance's phone and registered his question a second time. "Oh. A few times, yes."

"Has he slept on my bed?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Look at it. It hasn't been touched since you left. And it's not like you're here anyway so it wouldn't matter." I didn't intend to come off as young unmannerly Thomas with his bar and club in his room. No, no. But I kind of did.

However, before I could apologize, he replied. "Well, I'm sorry I can't be bothered to look you in the eyes and be reminded how I'd never to get feel your warmth again." And did he have to say something like that? Really, Leone?

I closed my mouth and sealed my lips, saying, "I'm sorry," before going silent and letting the quiet air replace our voices. I picked up my paper again and typed away, and a few minutes later, I wondered something. I truly didn't want to go without us trying to be friends, now that he's been taking measures letting me go. For the rest of our college lives I'd rather not live in the awkward, tense atmosphere. I was already awkward and tense in certain situations, so I voiced my curiosity. "So... how are you doing? How's it like being a policeman?"

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