Episode 4: Meet the Thurns - Part 6

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The foliage blanketing the Thurns' valley blocked out moonlight and cast black shadows over most of the ground. Great for stationary hiding, not so great for running over a moss shrouded debris field. After the third time tripping over partially-hidden space junk, frustration ebbed at my adrenaline.

"Use the palmlight," Marigold whispered, reaching a hand out to me.

"Believe me, I want to, but we can't risk being seen. It's about stealth."

"Then don't grunt so much when you fall. Or can we risk being heard?" The night and shadows obscured Marigold's features, but I could tell from her voice she had that same face full of smoke and snark that usually would make me want to kiss her. Usually. More shouts filtered through the trees, too far away to understand.

"Let's hold off on the ornery flirting until we know we won't be dead in the morning."


I pressed forward, really hoping my eyes would adjust better, Marigold was two steps behind. As many times as I'd sneaked into the Thurn's valley, I knew how to find Marigold's house with my eyes closed. Even if my constant stubbed toes and stumbling tried to prove otherwise.

When we'd reached the bottom of the cliff wall Roi had stuck around long enough to give us a thumbs up and dashed off toward the shouting and blasts with his small army of huge spiders. With Sweety slipping through the trees close to us, the three of us made straightway for Marigold's house. That was where she saw her brothers take Jamus before she'd run out of the valley earlier that night.

So much had happened in the last few hours, it seemed impossible that this could be the same night. Yay for Erimia's long nights. I wanted this all over with, wanted to be back in my house, sleeping, soon to wake to a normal Brunning morning full of monotony and work. But I was running through the trees with a giant spider while my family and my girlfriend's family tried to kill each other in the distance. When morning came, going back to normal Brunning, regardless the outcome of this night, would not be possible.

Marigold and I ran to the tree line surrounding her house and the barn. The small yard between us and the buildings offered no cover. We crouched, hidden among damp undergrowth, catching our breath. I strained to see anything in the derelict spaceship house or the hexagonal domed barn.

A plan of attack—or avoiding attack—should have been formulating in my head. I kept waiting for a crystal clear directive to materialize out of nowhere and slap me into action. My father made leadership seem so easy. A new volley of rifle blasts a distance behind our position made Marigold and me both flinch. I knew he was occupied in his own struggle, but I wished he was with me right then because at that moment my father would know exactly what to do. I had no clue and instead of directive, chaos and panic ruled my mind.

"What now?" Marigold asked. "You've got a plan, right?"

"Of course I do." I scowled at her as if insulted for good effect, even if the night hid it.

"Well, what is it?"

"It's complicated, I'm waiting..." Not exactly a lie, 'waiting' is synonymous with stalling. And the situation was complicated.

"Waiting for what?"

From the barn, a pain-choked scream invaded the night. Jamus. No mistaking it. "That."

"Blessed light..." Marigold's words choked in her throat and she covered her ears, shaking her head. "Just like Sam..."

Hearing such an unnatural sound from my brother, all my fear and anger fused within me. I charged out of the brush, yelling.

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