Chapter 1, The start

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When I wake up in the plane, I see Tokyo in the night. So many lights and buildings. As i looked next to me, I still see my little brother sleeping peacefully. Then I looked back at the window feeling sad.

Sayaka's pov:
I miss my friends so much. I wonder how they are doing in Korea. And my grandma.. oh how i wish i could talk to her right now.

The flight attendant annouced:
"Dear passangers, welcome in Japan! I hope that you will all have a wonderful stay here!"
After she said that the plane landed on the ground slowly.

Sayaka's pov:
Wow im already in Japan! This is amazing. Sadly our vacation ends tomorrow and I will have to go back to school.

"Hey Sayaka! We are in Japan, isn't this amazing!!" said my little brother next to me feeling so happy. "Ofcoure its amazing, let's hope you will make some amazing friends Kenzo!" I replied back. After a few minutes we got to board off the plane and got a taxi. 20 minutes later we arrived at our new house. "Wow it is so beautiful! And the air, its so..cold." I said. "Hurry up then, let's go and unpack or bags inside!" Sayaka's mom said. And together we all went inside. It looks even better on the inside.

Sayaka's pov
Okay, so i can text my friends tomorrow morning about my new house! And they can also see my new school!

I heard my little brother screaming of happiness. "I take this room! I take this room!!!". I go upstairs and see him jumping around in the room he wants. "I might as well pick the room next to yours then." I said with a sigh. As I walk to my room, I see better room than my little brother's.

Sayaka's pov
I'll pick this room. It has such a nice view of the lake.

My mom yells. "Okay kids, go sleep in your own room now! It's really late!"

I looked at the time. It's only 22:47 pm right now. But i ended up slowly closing my eyes on the bed and slept.

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