Chapter Five: Navigating Death

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To say the least, Navigating death for Salomé was.. enigmatic. The last couple of weeks spent working with Demi on how to live in death has not all been easy. For the most part, she got the things down about how to control your staring, pretending to breathe, and how to overall pretend to be alive again. What continually staggers the newborn's progress is but her own emotions. She couldn't even remember the complexities of her human emotions - All she knew now was happy, sad, angry, and bored.

It was taking a toll on her slowly, and made her come across as a lustful vampire when really she was just overwhelmed - however She didn't know that anymore.

"Little One, you got to focus less on how hungry you feel. If you focus on that you're guaranteed to hurt somebody." Demi's satin voice picked up as she gently clothed Salomé's delicate cheeks between her vampy hands. The pair were out in the forest, hunting. As they passed the occasional group of hikers, Demi repeatedly found herself gripping Salomé by her slim arms, redirecting her on their path.

"I can't help it, they smell so good.." the newborn whispered, sucking her plump bottom lip in between her pearl-colored fangs. "So good..I could eat them." Demi chuckled, reaching up to rub her shoulders momentarily before halting suddenly. In the breeze, in the deep viridian breeze, lie a Doe. So pristine her coat was, various shades of tan and white engrossing one another as she relaxed after a long day of running through the forest for food. Her single fawn at her side, patiently waiting for her mother's cue. Little did the pair know, evil lurked just behind a mossy log.

Salomé turned toward Demi, her manicured eyebrows furrowing at the look of hunger that rests itself just above Demi's perfect features. The Aussie picked up her feet, beginning to creep toward the doe and her fawn. Demi was walking, but no sounds could be heard throughout the forest. It was as if she wasn't even there. 'How does she do that?' Salomé thought to herself. Though on the surface she was slightly reluctant, deep down inside the newborn's core, she felt as though she had to follow Demi - as if it was her making that decision.

As the two vampires creeped toward the two deers, Demi's pale blue eyes snapped toward Salomé's momentarily, before they both pounced. The Doe was trapped between the two vampires, watching helplessly as her fawn scurried off deeper into the trees. As their fangs sunk into the Doe's body, a spark traveled through their bodies. Demi felt more alive than she'd ever thought possible while Salomé felt hesitantly satisfied. As the sweet crimson nectar engulfed her mouth, she felt shockwaves cording their way through her slim body.

"Demi?" Salomé spoke up. After their ..unique dining experience, The two women felt more tired than ever, their bellies full of their most favorite crimson delicacy. The Aussie hummed, lifting her head lazily from the newborn's chest. "Will I..Will I have to do that forever?" She inquired, meaning will she have to hunt and kill things forever. Still awaiting the cleansing of certain aspects of her human mind, Salomé felt very sad that she did that to that fawns mother - even if she would've died had she not done it. Demi raised her head fully now, knowing all too well the 'complex' feelings of what she liked to call 'First Kill's Guilt.'

"Unfortunately, Little One, it's how we survive." She rasped out, gazing tenderly into Salomé's freshly drained eyes. The newborn batted her eyelashes, the instinctual feeling of tears welling up in her eyes overwhelming her, but she'd come to learn that tears were no longer a thing for her. As a human, Salomé had grown to appreciate the beauty in tears. Yet now, she could no longer feel that. Or at least feel enough to bring her to tears. What humans would call fortunate, she would call..saddening.

She could no longer breathe, cry, feel complex emotions, have kids, anything. It felt like her life was stripped away from her - which it was - and Demi knew it all too well. Not only because she went through the same thing, but because she could look into Salomé's eyes and read her thoughts like words written on paper. Faint whispers of Salomé's thoughts trailed their way through her brain.

I cant have kids anymore..

I cant eat human food anymore..

I'm lost.

"Salomé." Demi spoke up, her commanding voice snapping the newborn vampiress out of her melancholy thoughts. Salomé blinked, eyes once again connected with Demi's, this time consciously, however.

"I Love You.." the elder whispered, pressing her lips to Salomé's chest. "You don't have to say anything back..because I know you've forgotten what that feels like."

Salomé sat there clueless. She felt..happy - well happier than she already was. She felt absolutely no anger towards Demi because deep down in her vampire heart, she knew the raven haired woman meant only the best. After all, she's the one who told her to bite her.

"Kiss me?" Salomé whispered, smiling tenderly as Demi's icy blue eyes turned a pale pastel whilst she smiled up at her closest companion yet. The two vampiresses connected their lips softly, Demi's heart beating vigorously as Salomé began exhaling small breaths at a time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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