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At home

Floyd: Hey it will be okay mom

Flora: Yeah trust them

Jade Dory: John is really intelligent and Clara knows a lot about the galaxy

Bruce: Yeah but they need to stop fighting and get along with each other

Then they heard something at the door

Captain Axel: Hey everyone we're home

Blossom: Dad!

Jade Dory: John Dory!

Sandy: Clara!

Branch: Clay!

They all shared a hug glad that they were together at last

Then John Dory and Clara woke up

John Dory: What just happened?

Clara: I had the strangest dream

Then Clara saw that she had the same hairstyle that she had in her adventure in Trolls Treasure Planet and John Dory saw that he had the same googles he had in Trolls Treasure Planet

John Dory: Or maybe that wasn't a dream

Clay: It wasn't a dream

Flora: It happened

Viva: And we saw the whole thing

Clara: Wait so that actually happened

Dreamer: Yep you 2 were the only ones I sent together because you 2 needed to stop fighting and get along with each other

John Dory: I guess we did bond over that adventure

Clara: Yeah

Clay: Nice

Floyd: Can Clay get a break he almost died in like 3 of these dreams

Flora: Actually all of the dreams remember the jungle battle in my dream

Floyd: Oh yeah

Clara: Wait what?

Clay: We'll explain later

Dreamer: Okay time for an adventure on the water

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