Rescue/ Final Battle

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John Dory: We have to get out of here to save Clay

Clara: How?

John Dory: Just need to grab that sword to cut the ropes

Clara used her hair to grab it

Clara: I guess cyborgs don't know about trolls extending their hair

Then she used it to cut the ropes

John Dory: Alright let's go

They followed the pirates trail to an opening to a treasure trove

John Dory: What is this place?

Clara: Treasure Planet

John Dory: Wait it's real?

Clara: Yeah it's real

Then she saw a troll with lime green hair

Clara: Come on

They followed the pirates inside and saw that they had Clay

Silver: Well you did your part Clay and now we don't need you anymore

Then Silver aimed his sword at Clay

Clara: Back off!

She kicked Silver ad the sword went flying away

Clara stood in front of Clay

Clay: Clara?

Clara: I won't let them hurt you

Silver: I don't know how you escaped but I won't let you get in my way

John Dory: Get away from my siblings!

Then John Dory kicked Silver

Then he stood next to Clara ready to fight the pirates

Clay: John Dory?

John Dory: Hey little bro

Silver: What's this?

Pirate 1: Hey I thought you said these 2 were fighting Silver

John Dory: Oh we can fight

Clara: Think you can take us both on

Silver: All of us on 2 I'll take those odds

Then Clara and John Dory got Clay and hid on a ship in the treasure trove

Clay: You came

Clara: Of course we did

John Dory: You're our brother and we love you

Then the 3 shared a hug

Clay: But we better get out of here because this place is loaded with boobytraps

Then one goes off

John Dory: Now you tell us

Clay: I was about to be killed

Clara: Fair

John Dory: I got an idea

Then he started to hot wire the ship's technology

Clay: What are you doing bro?

John Dory: I'm going to hot wire this thing so we can get out without being captured by the pirates

Then the floor opened up and the treasure and some of the pirates fell into the the lava that was there

Some of the pirates ran away

Silver: Come back here 

Then he saw John Dory, Clay, and Clara on the ship

John Dory: I almost got it

Clay: Uh John

John Dory: What?

Clay: We've got a problem I can't find Clara

John Dory: What?!

Silver: Looking for something?

Then they saw that Silver had Clara and threatened to kill her

Clay: Clara!

John Dory: You snake!

Silver: I was hoping it didn't have to come to this, but I've come too far to let you stand in the way of me treasure

Then the ship banged into the wall and they all went flying out

Clay and John Dory landed on the ground

Silver landed near the ship and pulled in the ship

Clay: Clara?

Then he saw Clara she was grabbing on to a ledge and she was struggling to hang on

Clay: Clara!

Clara: Clay!

Clay: Reach for me sis

He held out his hand for Clara but she couldn't reach him and grabbed back onto the ledge

Clara: I can't hold on much longer

Clay: John!

John Dory: Clay? What's going on?

Clay: Clara needs help she can't hold on much longer

John Dory: Reach for me Clara. Reach

Clara reached out for John Dory but she couldn't

Clara: I can't

Then she lost her grip but grabbed onto another ledge

Clay: Clara!

John Dory: Clay grab my legs

Clay: What?

Then Clara los her grip

John Dory jumped to grab her and Clay grabbed his legs

John Dory: I got you

Clay pulled them up and they started to run

Clara: Ow!

John Dory: Go ahead Clay I need to help Clara

Then Clay left like John Dory said and John Dory went to Clara

John Dory: Are you okay?

Clara: I think I broke my leg when I lost my grip the first time

John Dory: Come on I'll help you

Then he picked her up and ran out of the treasure trove

Clay: Are you guys okay?

John Dory: We're fine

Then the ship came

Captain Axel: Oh good you're all okay

John Dory: Dad! Great timing!

Captain Axel: Get on board

Then they went on board and got far away from Treasure Planet

John Dory placed Clara down so Axel could check her leg

Axel: Yep her leg is broken but she'll be fine

He bandaged her leg

Clay: I'm glad you guys came for me

Captain Axel: Clay! I'm glad you're okay

Clay: I'm okay thanks to Clara and John Dory

Then Axel went to steer the ship

Clara: John

John Dory: Yeah

Clara: Thanks for saving me

John Dory: No problem little sis

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