PH 1

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The door to Hana Estelle’s room opens and came in her mother, Puan Zahra Haleena, to wake her precious daughter as her class will start soon but Hana Estelle was already awake and is now ready to go down to eat her breakfast but it seems like she’ll pass breakfast as she was already late for her morning class.

“Umi baru nak kejutkan Hana, cepat sikit, you’re already late for your morning class. Umi dah pack your breakfast, nanti share dengan Adalyn.” Puan Zahra reminded Hana Estelle as she nodded taking note in her mind to share her food with Adalyn.

“Ye umi nanti Hana share dengan Adalyn, kejap lagi Hana gerak.” Hana Estelle fixed her hijab making sure her aurat is not showing as it was forbidden for a muslim to show their aurat.

“Hana dah pakai handsock? Your socks? Tudung labuh tak?” Puan Zahra asked while checking her daughter’s outfit before approving, sending her daughter a proud smile and a thumbs up. “bagus anak umi, ni baru anak umi yang solehah.”

“Ye lah Hana kan anak kesayangan umi dengan abah, of course lah nanti kena marah pula dengan abah.” Hana Estelle joked, pouting sadly while her mother laughed at her daughter’s behaviour.

“Dahlah, nanti lambat. Drive safe Hana, jangan lupa nanti dinner ada tetamu datang, jangan balik lambat okay sayang?”

Puan Zahra reminded again which made Hana Estelle looked at her mother curiously but soon she shrugged away the curiosity as she followed her mother to the kitchen. Puan Zahra gave Hana Estelle a bag with Hana’s breakfast and also Adalyn’s.

“Ye umi, Insyaallah Hana balik awal sikit okay? Tapi no promises sebab assignment Hana banyak so kena buat dekat library dengan Adalyn. Dahlah Hana nak pegi uni. Assalamualaikum umi,” Hana Estelle kissed her mother’s hand before making her way to the front door after getting her car keys.

Hana Estelle got into her black BMW, putting her bag on the passenger’s seat.She starts the car, recites the prayer before stepping onto the gas pedal, driving to her uni.


“Ya allah dah lambat! I hope Prof Randy wont get mad at me for being late!” Hana Estelle looks at her watch in panic after getting out of her car once she arrives at the parking lot.

“Cepat Hana Estelle-“ suddenly she bumped into someone on her way to the class, Hana gasped looking up at the person with a guilty face when she saw the white shirt of the guy is now brown from the coffee he was holding.

“Ya Allah! Im so sorry i wasnt looking! Im so sorry!” Hana apologised before running to her class leaving the guy in the middle of the parking lot with a now brown shirt, cursing silently at Hana who bumped into him.

“Now what am I gonna do with this ruined shirt?” He sighed looking at the shirt then at Hana’s direction, who is now gone.

“First day dah macam ni, nasib ada baju spare kalau tak I would smell like coffee for the rest of the day.” He went to his car getting his spare white shirt and made his way to the uni’s bathroom and changed his shirt.

Meanwhile, Hana arrived at her first morning class panting as she sat next to her friend, Adalyn Kamelia. Adalyn stared at her friend with a worried expression, fanning Hana’s face with her hand.

“Weh kau okay ke tak ni Hana? Kenapa kau late? Nasib Prof Randy belum datang, kalau tak mampus.” Hana sheepishly smiled at Adalyn while her hands were busy getting her laptop and books out of her bag.

“Sorry la I woke up late-“

“Solat subuh ke tak?” 

“Of course lah solat! Takkan lah tak solat, habis aku nanti kalau umi dengan abah tahu aku tak solat subuh, tapi aku solat okay.” Hana defended herself, her hazel eyes looking straight at the front.

Professor Husband || OGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें