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The sound of my alarm clock was dreadful, guaranteeing me waking up. I almost threw the clock across the room in frustration ; I hate that thing.

I got up, stretched, and finally went to the kitchen for breakfast. As always, Dad was already there, making eggs and bacon. The smell of the food was making me drool (I was starving).

When I sat down, Dad turned around, acknowledging my presence.

"Good morning Lou."

"Morning, Dad,"

When Dad was done cooking, he distributed the food and we all ate. Well, except for Ollie, who refused to eat the eggs (Dad had to make oatmeal for him.)

After that, I got ready for church, which only lasted about two hours. Today, I had to sit in the back on the way there because Oliver was mad and kept trying to unbuckle himself. Luckily, when we got there, Oliver went to Sunday school so we didn't have to deal with him during services.

When we got back, Dad had to do stuff for work, so he made me babysit Oliver until he got done and could join us.

We went hiking in the forest out back for awhile, until Oliver's little leg got tired and I had to carry him back.

"Lou? Who's that?"


"Look!" He ordered while pointing out one of the neighboring houses. Somebody was moving in.

"Oh, uh.. I.. don't know.."

I unfortunately couldn't go see who it was until my dad was done with his work, so I continued playing with Oliver.

Eventually, around four, Dad came outside to come get Oliver. He ruffled my hair as he took Oliver from me.

"Thanks bud."

Now that I was left by myself, I ran over to the newly inhabited house, wondering who the new neighbor was. I knocked a few times, waited, then knocked again. After a while, I started to think that they didn't want visitors, but when I was about to leave, the door opened.

*sigh* "What?"

I turned around to see a tall man with shoulder length brown hair. He looked kinda familiar.

"Oh! Uhh.. Hi I'm Lou-.."

I paused, now realizing who this was.

"Wait.. S- Spence..?"

He stared at me tiredly for a few seconds before his eyes lit up.

"Lou!? Wait.. no. Can't be. I remember Lou being short and stupid."


I pushed him and he tripped me. We both started hitting eachother and laughing, making a big mess in Spencer's living room.

Suddenly, a door flew open.


"Oh heeyyyy.." the man paused, realizing that a stranger was present.

"Spence who is he..?"

"Oh. Sorry. This is Louis, the idiot who I've known since birth."

"And uh.. Lou. This is King Austin the short."

Austin gave Spence a look, making sure he knew that he was angry.

"Spence... is this the guy you were talking about on the way here..?" Austin asked with a weird expression on his face.

Spencer's face changed into a slight look of guilt. "Yeah."

"Oh.. uh.. I'm going back to sleep."

Austin looked a bit scared as he slowly left the room.

Later that day, me and Spence went to my backyard and fooled around. This caught the attention of my dad as he came outside.

"Well I didn't expect you to come back so soon Spencer, I thought you still lived with your dad."

"Oh.. hey Mr. Lyndston!"

Spencer's expression darkened as he told us what happened to his father. Both me and my dad were horrified, Mr. Marrance was killed by one of those sick monsters. He also went on to explain what happened to his eye.

"I'm so sorry Spence.."

"It's alright buddy, It wasn't your fault anyway."

Once my dad went back inside, Spence started to apologize for how he treated me like.. four..? No. Five years ago. "Nah it's alright, I honestly forgot about that."

"But still, I was being a pretty bad jerk. Anyways dude, Is your.. mom.. uhh-"

"She's.. uh dead." I answered, saddened by the topic.

"Dang.. well uh sorry."

Our conversation was cut off by my Dad coming outside to call me in for dinner. I was pretty grateful at the timing of this, even though I still kinda wanted to talk with Spence for a while longer.

He's back. Spencer's finally back. Now I can finally goof off with someone who's not a five year old.

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