Chapter 16

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"Morning, sweetheart.", he whispered.

"Morning.", he laid on my chest, his arm wrapped around me.

"You're so cute, with your messy curls and sleepy eyes."

"Why so cheesy?", I played with his hair.

"Why not?"

"Why yes?"

"Because I love you, and because you are cute."

"I don't want to go."

"Me neither, but what choice do we have?"

"Run away?"


"I know."

"Let's see it like that; if we go home and face it we don't have to hide anymore."

"You want to tell her?", I felt like I got kicked in the guts.

"Only if you're comfortable."

"I don't know."

"We'll go home and see how things go. Deal?"

"Deal?", I kissed him.

Then the others knocked on the door to wake us up.

"And?", they grinned when we walked to the living room.

"And what?"

"How was your night?"

"Not your business."

"Oh? No answer is an answer."

"Shut up. What now?"

"We could pack and check out the game shop before we drive home?"

"Sure, I could look for a new one. Not that I would need it.", I smiled.

"Sounds like a deal."

It was a huge shop with lots of aisles and even some merch. I looked through the many games, they had way more than the other shop, but I preferred the tiny cozy store in the small street.

"Found anything?"

"Nah, I like the other store better."

"Fair, bigger doesn't mean better."

"No.", I laughed.

The others bought a few games and then packed our bags in the cars and made our way back home.

The closer we got the more I got scared.

"Nothing will happen.", he smiled.

"I hope."

He dropped me at home and continued his way to his apartment.

"Hey I'm back!", I opened the door.

"Hey sweetie. How was it?"

"Great we had a lot of fun, Avan's friends are really cool."

"Good to hear. No problems?"

"No just got a bit nervous at the arcade, because if the noise, but I went climbing and even tried the zip line."

"That's great dear! And how was it withyou know?", my mom winked, but I just grinned.

"I see Missy is back. Surprised you survived."


"Where's Avan?"

"Don't know drove home I guess."

"No wonder he probably needed a break after three days with you."

"What did I even do to you?"


"You always make fun of me. Why?"

"Don't be such a baby.", she left and called Avan.

I wanted to tell her in this moment, tell her that her boyfriend preferred me for once, that I am not as worthless as she thinks.

"Everything okay?", my mom asked.

"Could be better."

"Just ignore her comments, she doesn't mean it."

"Would be nice if she told me from time to time."

I went to my room and unpacked my bags. I didn't see him for the next few days. I wanted to meet him again but just the thought made me happy.

But then they came back from the mall.

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