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Carlos' restless tossing and turning woke me from my light sleep. The fact that my boyfriend moves around while I sleep is nothing new to me, but I've never experienced it to such an extreme extent that it even wakes me up. Still completely sleepy, I turned on my side to look the Spaniard at my side in the eye.

I rubbed my eyes and a yawn escaped me before I began to speak in a low, raspy voice. "Carlos, what's wrong? Are you all right?" I had to wait far too long for an answer, but I finally got it. "Lando, everything's fine. I just don't feel quite fit." I stroked the black strands of hair from his forehead with concern. Meanwhile, I noticed that Carlos was sweating and his body was shaking slightly. "Baby, do you have a temperature?"

I placed my palm gently on his heated forehead. "Maybe a little." Typical Carlos, as usual he couldn't admit that he wasn't feeling well. "I'll be right back, my darling." The tiredness had evaporated, my protective instinct towards Carlos was too great. I made my way to the kitchen to get him some tea and fever-reducing medication.

After a few minutes, I took the things into the bedroom and handed them to Carlos. "Thank you, cariño." He swallowed the pill and tasted the warm herbal tea I had prepared. "Can we still cuddle?"

He looked at me with his big, brown eyes and I couldn't refuse him a wish anyway. And so we lay there until the medication finally took effect. He lay on my chest, where normally it was the other way round, and I ran my fingers sensualy through the thick, black strands of my boyfriend's hair and stroked his scalp. Carlos' breathing became calmer and his body relaxed considerably.

I pushed him away from me with absolute caution and was now able to fall asleep with a clear conscience. In the morning, we were both anything but well-rested. Unfortunately, my boyfriend's pain had got worse. The fever was compounded by severe pain in his stomach and I was worried about him. "You can't ride today, Carlos. Getting into a racing car with a fever is reckless and I won't let you put yourself in danger just because you can never admit to yourself when you're not feeling well. I'm your boyfriend and I'm here to protect you, even from yourself." However, he just shook his head. "I'm so grateful to you Lando, but please at least let me try. I can't just, not drive."

"Then please promise me that you'll take care of yourself and look after your health." Carlos gently took my face in his hands and looked deep into my eyes. As always, the surroundings blurred around us and I sank into his big, brown eyes. "I promise." He kissed me gently and our lips melted together in a beautiful way.

From the first time I touched her, I was hooked. So I actually let Carlos get into the car. We only saw each other again at the hotel and from a distance in the media pen. Charles told me that my friend was definitely not feeling any better. Worried, I opened the hotel room door and found Carlos curled up in a ball in bed.

Shocked, I opened my eyes and rushed towards him. "Baby, I've had enough now. Can we please go to the hospital. Although forget my question, we're going." As Carlos didn't contradict me, I took this as a bad sign.

I was only vindicated when he took my hand without hesitation and growled in pain. I got us into the car at top speed and sped off to the hospital. From then on, everything happened very quickly. The doctor came to diagnose appendicitis and Carlos had to be operated on immediately.

Thank god I was able to talk him through it and calm him down a bit, as I could see the fear and panic in his eyes. When he was pushed away from me into the operating theatre, I was overcome with worry. I still couldn't come to terms with the situation. I prayed that everything would go well as time passed at a snail's pace.

A little over two hours later, I was told that the operation had gone smoothly and that Carlos would wake up in about an hour. I didn't need to be told twice and quickly disappeared into his room, where I could already see him lying there. My favourite eyes closed, his full lips slightly parted, beautiful. His face was still not contorted in pain, but looked peaceful and relaxed.

I took one of the uncomfortable armchairs and placed it next to the bed to hold Carlos' hand until he woke up from the anaesthetic. My eyes were already falling shut when I suddenly noticed a movement from my friend.

He cleared his throat and groaned painfully as he tried to shift his position. "Baby, don't. Rest up, you've had an operation." Carlos was all confused and looked around the bare room. "It hurts so much, Lando." His raspy voice and the statement burned into my heart. "If I could, I would take away all your pain, my darling." So we spent hours in this impersonal, sterile room.

When Carlos told me before going to bed that he wanted to come to the race tomorrow, I freaked out for a moment and declared him insane. I almost locked him in the hotel room, but he assured me a million times how important it was for him to go and that he was already feeling much better. As usual, I couldn't say no.

But I got angry when I saw how he struggled into the paddock and couldn't even walk properly. So it became my mission to nurse him back to health before the next race. That was our common goal and it looks good that we will be able to compete against each other again in a short amount of time.

=>Fitting to the race and the numerous Carlando moments today this OS. Carlo's performance was outstanding and I am so proud of him! <3

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