ELEVEN-Marco Odermatt-Accident⛷️

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A clear night like something out of a picture book. Stars adorned the cloudless sky and the moon smiled down on the people from above. As so often before, I sat in the stands among countless fans and felt the nervousness and tension in the air. Wrapped up in my warm jacket, with countless other layers underneath, a grey hat and matching gloves. The loud voice from the loudspeakers announced that it would start in five minutes.

The crowd cheered with joy. For many, such events were the highlight of the year. Seeing their favourite athletes so close and being able to cheer and suffer along with them. It was already underway. One rider after another delivered outstanding performances. But I was only waiting for one. Marco Odermatt. He was currently dominating the sport and winning one race after another. And he was also my boyfriend.

Many believe that he is "just" talented, but I have experienced first-hand how he puts in the extra hours, works on himself and often doubts. I was by his side every step of the way, it's always been like that. And it's the same today. As he stands in the start house, ready to plunge down another steep piste, my pulse suddenly shoots up. You'd think I'd be used to all this by now, but that's definitely not the case.

I press my thumbs together tightly and hold my breath. Inwardly, I know that he can deliver another incredible performance, but there is never a 100 per cent chance that he will make it back to the finish line safe and sound.

So I watch him closely as he makes every turn with mesmerising precision and tries to tease a little more speed out of his skis. But today I notice something else about his skiing style. He is faster than usual. There's a lot more aggression in his run. I feel sick when he loses his balance at the next gate and hits the ground hard.

The entire grandstand falls silent. My vision blurs and I have to sit down to avoid losing my footing. I've always been aware that something like this could happen, but at this moment it couldn't be more unexpected. I don't know where I find the strength to get up. I'm in a tunnel and everything passes as if in slow motion.

After wandering around for ages and not knowing where I actually want to go, I see Marco's trainer. I move towards him with sluggish steps. I put one foot in front of the other without really feeling my legs. I feel numb. As if wrapped in cotton wool, I feel his encouraging touch on my shoulder. He leads me through the crowd and we push our way through dozens of people. Normally, I would feel the distress inside me by now at the latest, but nothing happens.

Far too long later, we find ourselves in front of a building and I am able to break out of my trance. Our hotel. Apparently Marco is already in our room. I finally stand in front of the door with the number 810, but I don't dare open it, I'm far too afraid of what awaits me behind it. Thousands of questions race through my head. Has he hurt himself? Can he carry on driving? Does he blame himself for the accident? I take one last deep breath before I hold out the card and the door opens with a beep.

I enter the room with heavy steps and a heartbreaking picture awaits me. Marco is lying on the bed. His eyes closed and seemingly lost in dreams. His chest rises and falls slowly. My heart breaks. He always looks so vulnerable when he sleeps. Carefully, so as not to wake him, I move towards the bed and sink into the cosy mattress. I don't even realise that a tear is running down my cheek until it drips onto the snow-white duvet and leaves a stain.

As if he senses that I'm there, his beautiful eyelashes flutter and my favourite brown eyes look at me, confused and sleepy. "Hey, sweetheart, how are you?" I gently brush his blond hair back from his forehead and touch his cheek carefully. Marco straightens up a little and clears his throat before he speaks. "Everything's fine. Well, not really, but I've just got a niggle. Should get better quickly." Relieved, I lean over to him and gently press my lips to his.

"That's good. Really good." Such a huge weight falls from my shoulders and I can't help it, tears well up in my eyes again. "Please don't cry. I'm sorry I scared you so much." I feel so stupid, I actually have no right to act like this. I have to laugh and somehow the situation seems totally weird to me. My hormones are probably just completely out of whack today.

Marco has to laugh too and I'm so glad that I'm the reason why. He is so beautiful when he laughs. He beams as much as he can these days. Marco gently pulls me towards him and we sink into each other's eyes. "Thank you for being by my side even in the hard times." He strokes my hair gently. "Always, I promised you that, and I keep my promises." I give him another sensitive kiss before resting my head in the crook of his neck and inhaling his addictive scent deeply.

His steady breathing makes me feel so tired myself. And finally we both fall asleep, cuddled up close to each other. The day was really exhausting and, above all, nerve-wracking. But I am so incredibly grateful that Marco is here with me now and yet, in a way, everything went well. Life really is unpredictable. You have to appreciate the good moments and savour them to the full. Everything can change so quickly, one small moment, like Marco's mistake today, and everything, but really everything, changes.

=> Hello guys. I've finally got this idea down on paper. Do you have any wishes? See you soon <3

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