Chapter 91-100

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Chapter 91 Attack
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Previous chapter: Chapter 90 Little PrincessNext chapter: Chapter 92 Ling You
At midnight, the side hall in the main courtyard of Sibeile Mansion was already full of people. Today is the first day of May, the day to pay tribute to Ulanara.

Mrs. Song carefully glanced at the Uranala above her and said with regret, "I haven't seen Xiu Fujin for a few days. I thought I would see him today." After she finished speaking, she smiled and said doubtfully: " Doesn't Chou Fujin want to give Fujin a blessing before the baby is born?"

Wu Shi smiled self-pityingly and said, "What can I do? Chou Fujin's pregnancy is much more valuable than the rest of us. It seems like she hasn't been here since the baby was born."

Mrs. Li glanced at her contemptuously and said, "What's wrong with us and the others? Those who have never been pregnant know what is valuable." Mrs. Li was also willing to listen. Others ridiculed Nan Jia's words, but Wu Shi belittled everyone with one sentence, and she was naturally not happy.

Mrs. Wu's face turned red when she was retorted by Mr. Li, and she muttered speechless. Seeing this, Uranala frowned without any trace.

Niu Gulu, who was on the side, looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "I heard that Xiu Fujin's pregnancy was not stable and he could not eat all day long. Xiu Fujin was carrying Lord Beile's heir. Master Beile was naturally nervous, so he spoke in person without having to ask for blessings from Fujin. Fortunately, he was counting the days and was about to give birth." Her words seemed to be defending Nan Jia, but in fact they were adding fuel to the fire, pointing out overtly and covertly. Liao Yinzhen loves Nan Jia too much. Wouldn't this cause jealousy in the ears of others?

Sure enough, Mrs. Li snorted coldly and said with a sarcastic smile: "Which of Fujin's babies has ever been safe? Others are more diligent in their pregnancies, but she is so dignified that she doesn't even look down on Fujin because of my favor. "

Geng felt extremely happy as she listened to everyone's words. She had been jealous of Nanjia for a long time. In her opinion, she has been in the palace for so long and has never been favored. All of this is thanks to the Sodro family.

She echoed Mrs. Li: "Yes, it's not like the sisters in our house have never had children. Why is it that Fujin is so pampered and pampered?" Then she complained: "You are dominating Master Baylor even before you are pregnant." , it must have been so easy to get pregnant, she still behaves like this. Sisters, calculate how long it has been, Belle has never entered our sisters' house. Also," she looked at the buttons on the side. Mrs. Gulu said with some sympathy: "The most unjust thing is that sister Niu Gulu and I didn't know why I couldn't feel sorry for Xi Fujin. He was kidnapped by Xi Fujin just after he entered the house. To this day, sister Niu Gulu and I are still the same. I'm still a virgin."

As soon as she said these words, Mrs. Niu Gulu blushed instantly. No one in the house knew about such a thing, but after all, everyone was a boudoir girl who had been taught by her mother-in-law, so no one knew how to do it. Tell this matter loudly.

Pian Geng was still unaware, and continued to Ulanara: "Fujin, I am also a serious member of the general election, but Lord Beile is not even willing to touch me. Now that I am in this situation, please make the decision for me. Ah!"

At this time, not only Niu Gulu, but also everyone sitting here who had been eloquent just now were all dumbfounded.

Uranala scolded: "Be careful when speaking, women in the back house are most afraid of complaining." Then he reprimanded unceremoniously: "Master Beile doesn't like your service, it's because you are incompetent. Not only do you not want to repent, , How dare you speak eloquently, and even speak dirty words in public, how unbecoming is it?"

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