stuck with u ♡

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"can't fight this no more, it's just you and me"


It was a quiet Saturday night and Sophie was working on her newest artwork on her iPad. In her opinion, digital art was the best way to go so that's what she normally went with. Headphones on, Ariana Grande on full blast, she worked furiously to finish her sketch. 

Suddenly, a text appeared at the top of her screen. It was from her boyfriend, Noah. 

Noah ❤️
Open up ml I'm outside

Her eyes widen as she hops out of her seat. He's here? Why? She goes up to the door and opens it to see Noah standing there with a small bouquet of flowers. She smiles as she brings her headphones down to her neck so she can hear again. 

"Noah! Oh my god... what are you doing here?" He smiles and holds out the flowers for her to take. 

"For you beautiful." Sophie grins and takes them and then barrels towards Noah in a big hug. He chuckles as he wraps his arms around her waist in a close hug. 

"Me? You're too sweet, thank you. Sorry I didn't get the door sooner." Noah chuckles. 

"I did knock a few times and then realized you were probably blasting your music." He gestures to Sophie's headphones around her neck. She smiles as she nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck. 

"You know me so well." 

They pull apart and she gestures for him to come inside her apartment. "Come in, come in. I should get these in flowers water." 

They both walk in, and go to the kitchen. After taking a photo of the beautiful bouquet with her phone, Sophie takes them out of the wrapping and puts them into a vase. 

"So," Sophie asks. "what brings you here today?" She likes to make sure all the flowers are sitting nicely and none are hidden so she turns the vase around a few times, making sure. 

"Oh, no reason really. I just wanted to see you." He walks up to her from behind, hugs her by the waist and kisses her neck. She chuckles as she continues to fix the flowers and put them on the counter. 


"What? Am I in trouble for bringing my beautiful girlfriend flowers?" 

"No, no. I'm just wondering. Why?" After she's done placing the flowers away, Sophie turns around to face him and wraps her arms around his neck, Noah's arms still around her waist. "Are these apology flowers? Did you do something wrong?" He laughs lightly and kisses her on top of her head. 

"Sophie, for the millionth time, I did not do something wrong. I realized you were probably at home alone because you don't have anything today so I thought I'd come over and hangout with you."

"What about the flowers?" She stares at him sternly. 

"I can't not get you flowers if I go to see you." Noah replies. Sophie's expression melts into a soft smile. 

"True... fair enough. Thank you for thinking of me." She brings him into another hug, though this one is softer and more gentle. He holds her close, peppering small kisses on the top of her head and the occasional on her forehead. 

"Of course my love." Sophie giggles as he gives her small kisses. Once she's done she looks back up at him and gives him a kiss on the lips. It lasts a few seconds before they pull back and smile. Sophie's look turns to realization as she lets go of his neck and grabs his hand, pulling her to her dining table, where her iPad is still sitting. 

"I just remembered, I was finishing a new sketch before you came along. Want to see?"

"Oh definitely Soph, I'd love to. What's it of?" 

"Us if we were in a cartoon together." She smiles as they sit down. Noah gabs his chair, drags it as close as he can get to hers, sits down and drapes an arm around her. Sophie opens her iPad again and the sketch pops up, first thing on her screen. It's a Pixar-like sketch, with Sophie and Noah sitting on the beach together. Sophie's head is on Noah's shoulder as they look off into the distance. 

"Oh my..." Noah gives Sophie a kiss on the cheek. "sweetheart that's beautiful. We look so cute." He chuckles at the big eyes, flowy hair and accentuated cheeks. 

"Aww thanks love. I love the comical-ness to this." Sophie leans against him. 

"You did a great job. Are you going to colour it anytime soon?" 

"Once I finish the sketch." She leans forward to grab her Apple pencil and starts drawing again. "It's not perfect yet. I need to clean up the lines and then do the proper ones so I don't have 5 thousand making up one line. It can get hard colouring when I don't do that." Noah smiles down at her, happy to see her in her element. 

"I'm not going to fake it and say I get what you're saying, but I think it'll turn out great." He chuckles. 

"It's ok, you'll see. Are you staying for longer?" 

"A few hours yes, then I have to get home." 

"Sounds great." She turns to Noah and gives him a quick peck on the lips. "Music ok?"

"All good with me. What have you been listening to lately? I know your music taste can go from one thing to another pretty quickly." Sophie chuckles. As she connects to her speaker and eternal sunshine starts playing. 

"I've been hooked on Ari's new album, eternal sunshine. Have you heard it yet?" 

"Oh yes I have, it's everywhere. the boy is mine is my favourite, definitely." Noah smirks at her which earns him a chuckle. 

"That's up there on my list too. I like supernatural and we can't be friends."

"Those are so depressing though!" Sophie laughs. 

"Sometimes depressing songs are great! No all sad songs are great actually."

"You don't need to feel sad though ok?" She hugs him. 

"I know, I know." 

"I've got you." Noah whispers as he hugs her back and runs his fingers through her hair. She nods silently and then gets up to get back into her drawing. 

The rest of the night is like that, Sophie working on her portrait sketch while Noah keeps her company. Sometimes it's just silence between them, his arm around her, music playing in the background, and sometimes it's chatty. Noah making a remark on how his face looks off or how Sophie's doesn't look pretty enough. 

The rest of the night is fun, giggles and comfort, the best way to end a relaxing day. 

Aww this is just cute. Nothing but love. Am I going overboard? I'm just a hopeless romantic, I can't help myself. I just love this. 

There was no trope for this one because they're already in love. Whenever it's the heart instead of a trope, the characters are already together. 

- Charlotte ♡

Romance One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora