The Extermination!

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Aether's eyes widened in horror as he watched the red sky being cut, inside the slit, was a red, large sword, the thing that was slicing the sky. A hand crept it's way through and pushed the top of the cut upwards a bit, then the hand set ablaze and slipped through the slit, followed by ice and lightning, the three elements span around in the air, like a beautiful display for the seven nations to see, the students backed away from the window as they saw it begin to crack, the elements faded, leaving only three female figures floating in the air.
Murata put on her most sadistic grin as she observed the terrified expression from the college students, next to her was a girl with long blue-silver hair, she looked down at the city with pity, on the other side of Murata was a purple haired woman, her long hair in a thick braid, upon opening her eyes, she fiercely glared at the students, frowning at them.

"They look like-" "The Archons...?" Nahida had finished Aether's sentence, looking at him with dismay "I'm sorry..." she bowed her head as tears fell to the ground.

The window broke, glass shards landing on some of the students "Well well well~ looks like there was no way to save you after all~" Murata said with a smirk "Tsaritsa, Ei! Come on down here!" The Tsaritsa landed next to her elegantly, glaring at Murata "Can we finish this quickly? I don't want to see their screams" she says, putting on her hood "You can do this quick, I want to enjoy this~! Why don't you go look for the other two? Lumine and Scaramouche?" Aether froze "Lumine...?" His body moved on his own, he moved past the group and gripped onto the Pyro Archon's arm, Murata smiled at him curiously.

"What do you want with my sister...?" He asks coldly, looking her dead in the eye, she laughs "She did this to herself, if she just kept her hands away, this wouldn't be happening~" she says "What a load of bullshit..." Venti says under his breath, averting his gaze from the two Archon's "I'll go find them now" the Tsaritsa moves past Venti, giving him a warm glance before she left. "Now then, Xiao! It's so nice to meet you!" She exclaims harshly grabbing his hand "What do you want with me!?" "You have been causing my friends and boss quite a bit of trouble you know" "I haven't done shit!" He yells back trying to escape her grip "Braids here couldn't get the job done?" She looks at Venti "It's Venti, Murata..." Xiao stares at him then back at the Pyro Archon "What do you mean...?" The Archon chuckles and grabs the object from his pocket and breaks it, then moving her hand to his neck, picking something off "Ow!" She moves her hand in front of her face, holding a tiny purple crystal with two fingers "That object you found was cursed with Abyssal Magic my friend~ it's been causing quite the disruption, if these spread, you would ultimately lose your resolve and go crazy~!" She says "Venti's been trying to help with getting crystals off~" he looks back at the boy, who was looking down.

"So on the roof..." "Yes I did see the bruise, but what I was more concerned about was the amount of crystals on your neck, so I brushed them away, just like yesterday" Venti finally looked up at the boy with tears dripping down his face "Aw~ what a sweet moment, sadly...I'LL HAVE TO CUT IT SHORT!" Murata grabs her sword and cuts the students, many being fatal hits, the classroom is filled with screams and cry's as she licks the blood off her face, she raises her hand to the sky and closes her fist, from the cut in the sky, students saw enormous mechanical beings fall down, when making contact with the ground, they turned on and started moving around "What the hell are-" Murata throws Xiao into the wall before he could finish and he coughs up blood "Brother!" Ganyu rushes over to his side, Venti was about to as well when someone grabbed his hand "Venti, I think that's enough meddling with humans no?" Ei stares at him curiously "Baal please...just, let me help them..." Ei frowns but nods her head, releasing his wrist "Alright, we're always here when you change your mind though" Venti smiles before turning around and helping Xiao up.

"Please! Stop this!" Aether shouts, holding Keqing's bleeding body in his arms "Celestia gave us orders. A full reset" Murata grins "Aether...go on without us would you...?" Keqing says, weakly smiling and cupping his face "You guys are my friends...! I-I can't just leave you here!" He says, sniffling between words, Keqing wipes his tears away "Smile for me, okay?" She mutters, Aether slowly nods, holding her closer. Students rush out the door, many failing to leave as Murata stabs them "Yun Jin!" Xiangling tries to get back to her, but is being pushed back by the fleeing students " my final on for me friends..." she smiles at Xiangling before her eyes go dull and she collapses. "Wait where's Hu Tao!?" Yanfei shouts "Ah..." Hu Tao lifts her hand from her stomach, looking at her blood pooling out of her "W-what a shame...guess we weren't meant to be after all..." she looks at her girlfriends "I'll be there for you two in spirit...don't forget me alright...?" She smiles at them, tears in her eyes, she looks at Aether hugging Keqing's lifeless body on the ground, she weakly pulls him up and pushes him towards the door before falling to her knees "Hu Tao!" Ganyu yells, worry in her voice "Protect my girlfriends for me would you...?" Ganyu nods her head, Hu Tao falls backwards "Come on we have to go!" Venti carries Xiao out the door, gestering to the blue haird girl to follow.

As they are running in the halls, the school is cut in half, students fall down "Chongyun!" Xinqiu quickly grabs the boy's hand before he can fully fall, he tries to pull him up but he is too weak "Someone help me! Please!" He calls out, slowly losing his grip, Chongyun is about to fall when a hand grabs his and Xingqiu's hand pulls him up, he lands in Xingqiu's arms "Lumine!" She pants heavily as she wipes blood from her mouth "we have to get out of the school now!". Furina stumbles through the halls, her ankle twisted, Nahida helps her move around but quickly notices her magic fading "I can't hold this form for long...!" She exclaims, feeling herself grow weaker, Venti looks over and hands Xiao to Ganyu, he picks up Furina "Let's go!" Nahida nods and catches up with him.

A bunch of the school manage to make it outside, but 95% of them died to wounds the recieved inside, the survivors hide inside a small shed in the back of the school, looking at the huge robots roaming around the city, killing everyone they see, children, elderly they didn't care, they were killing machines. Yanfei and Xiangling cry themselves to sleep in the corner, Xingqiu hugs Chongyun, whispering reassuring words in his ear, Xinyan burried her face in her knees as she silently cries and Gaming tries comforting her. Nahida wrapped the wound around Scaramouche's leg before fainting, being caught by Furina "What do we do...?" Ganyu asks "We wait 'till morning..." Venti looks at everyone "I'd suggest getting some sleep, we'll have to leave here in the morning" Lumine hissed as she touched her exposed wound, bound to infection if she didn't treat it soon, Venti noticed this and ripped his shirt, he wrapped it around her injury, acting as gauze since his bag was in the classroom "Thanks...I guess..."

Xiao groaned as he woke up, he saw Venti curled up in Aether's arms "What...happened...?" Xiao began remembering the events from the previous day, he looked through the crack in the door to the outside, he shook everyone awake, aside from the new kids "What...?" Lumine rubbed her eyes "We should go" Xiao said, standing up, Aether gently wakes Venti up, who stretches before looking at Xiao who is in front of him, he crawls over to Furina and Nahida and gently wakes them up "We have to go now, the guards are off for now" the two nod "What happened to Nahida?" Ganyu asks, looking at the girl's now petite, childlike form "Explanation later, we need to leave" "Where to?" Aether asks, helping his sister up.

"Mondstadt" Venti opens the door fully, revealing the bloody city they will have to go through to get to Stone Gate

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