Heavenly Principles!

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Ganyu yawns as she stretches her arms "Last night was...loud..." she gets out of bed and is intrigued to hear classical music from the main room of the dorm, shoe opens her door and is amazed to see her dorm mate, Furina, dancing so gracefully. She stares in awe at the gorgeous dance the girl does "Thank you, thank you everyone!" She bows for her inaginary audience, well, not completely imaginary because Ganyu was there. Ganyu clapped for the gurl, which made her blush of embarrassment "I-I did not realise you were up, my friend..." she coughs lightly into her hand "It was beautiful Mademoiselle" she says happily, Furina's eyes light up "It was nothing but a rehearsal, mon cher fan" she gives Ganyu a bow, and she laughs.

"What day is it...oh! Saturday, that means we don't have class!" Ganyu exclaims cheerfully "Ah! Would you like to see another dance then?" Ganyu nods her head, they hear a knock at the door, Furina opens it "Bonjour mon cher camarade de classe!" She greets, Venti and Nahida laugh, Nahida was about to say something, but shut her mouth, Venti only let out another light chuckle "Bonjour Dame Furina de Fontaine!" He happily says "Venti you know french?" Xiao asks, the braided boy nods his head "What are you here for?" Furina inquires, putting a hand under her chin "May we come in?" Venti asks, with adorable puppy dog eyes, Furina loghtly blushes before agreeing "No need to be so adorable about it though!" She exclaims giving him a kiss on the cheek playfully, Nahida sighs.

The four enter the dorm room, though only two sit down with Ganyu, the other two go next to Furina "Oh?" Keqing looks confused, the other two shrug and look at the three "We are all going to perform!" Furina states, Nahida blinks a couple times before looking at her friend "Eh?" She quickly sits down next to Keqing "Oh-haha! Stagefright?" Venti asks, the girl nods. The two standing look at eachother, nod their heads and begin dancing in sync "Do they do this often?" Xiao asks, slightly uncomfortable, Nahida confirms his question. Venti grabs Furina by the waist and does a bow, she lifts her right leg and left arm up in the air, looking at the small audience, while Venti keeps her from falling, though because he wanted a laugh, he went even lower and dropped the blue girl "Oof! Hey~!" She lightly hits his leg while he laughs.

Nahida helps Furina up and pushes Xiao and Venti out of the room "I'm gonna have a girl talk with them so bye~!" She closes the door and looks at the three, she sits down with Ganyu and Keqing and Furina sighs as she sits down again next to Nahida, now they are in some kind of circle "I've heard that usually girl friend groups would have talks about things like crushes, so does anyone here have a crush?" Ganyu and Keqing look at eachother then turn their heads away, Nahida smiles "Furina?" Her face flushes "U-um you don't need to know!" She exclaims, putting her hands on her hips, still red faced, Nahida chuckles and looks at the wall behind Ganyu, there is a small window, her eyes widen as she taps Furina, still looking at the window. Furina turns her head to the girl confused and looks at the window as well, her eyes also widen "Uh, hey guys... how about me and Nahida clean up the...stuff while you two go down for...breakfast! We'll come down in a bit!" Furina exclaims, pulling the other two up "But-" "Okay bye!" Furina pushes them out the door and closes it.

She knocks on the wall 7 times "Barbatos, Barbatos, Barbatos, Barbatos!!" She whispers, teal wind particles spin around in a circle and Venti appears, blowing them away "What's happening? I just had to come up with a real shit excuse for having to leave without warning!" He explains, taking leaves out of his braids "Why are there-never mind" she walks over to the window and gets on her tippy-toes, she opens it and steps back. Roaring fire creeps through the gap in the window, it spreads across the carpet into an x, rising higher until it is grabbed by a hand, inside is a grinning woman with firey red hair and ruby red eyes "Well would you look at that! You three look so adorable in those outfits, I love the teenage look for you Kusanli" the woman says, laughing to herself "Hello Murata, what brings you here...?" Nahida asks cautiously "The Heavenly Principles sent me" she says, grabbing one of Venti's braids and undoing it "Uh-first, please stop that, I like my braids, second, why!?" Venti tries getting Murata's hand off but fails as she tightens her grip on his hair "Well, if you can't get some certain students to behave, we're starting that extermination they talked about during the meeting~" she smirks, looking at how uncomfortable the three were, she grins happily when she undoes Venti's braids "Beautiful! Anyways, you better get started, you only got two days. Oh! Here's the students you need to deal with, only three" she hands them a paper "Lumine, Scaramouche and Xiao..." Nahida scans the paper "Xiao's my roomie, I can deal with him!" Venti exclaims "I'll take on Scaramouche, which leaves Lady Furina with Lumine...?" They look at eachother questiongly "Who is that?" Furina asks, both shake their heads "Well, I'm off!" Murata takes her leave in a blaze of fire.

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