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//Authors POV//

"Well, don't you just look spectacular?"

A laugh soon followed, and Tobirama muttered a couple of curses under his breath as he looked at Kisame's chill expression.

"Do I look fine to you? You gave me a shit ton of work cases for the week and expected me to finish them in one day. So no, I am not fine." Kisame laughed at the cold and irritated response coming from the surgeon. It was evident he got no sleep at all, and the sickness from the previous days was still clinging to his being.

"Here, at least wear a mask or something. I don't want you getting the patient sick," Kisame said as he handed Tobirama a blue surgical mask. The other gave him a dry thanks before putting it on and settling down in the chair across from Kisame in the office.

Their brief silence only lasted for a bit until Kisame spoke up once more. His quiet voice sightly irritated Tobirama who hated the sound that he could barely hear. He felt like he had cotton shoved up his ear holes. "What? Speak louder." Kisame sighed and leaned closer. "So what did you do exactly? I can still smell the guy on you," Kisame said. Tobirama stared at him incredulously and frowned shortly after.

"What the fuck do you think we did? Work. Something you should do right about now," Tobirama said as he stood up quickly. Kisame however noticed the defensiveness in his voice and smirked slightly. It was a given that the man was going to be secretive about his personal life. Not like he ever wasn't, but Kisame wanted to mess with him just a bit, so after the surgeon left Kisame began dialing up none other than one of his most trusted advisors to Tobirama.


"I don't like the sound of your voice," quipped Kagami. It sounded like he was prepping for something in the background. Probably a surgery, Kisame thought as he fiddled with a pen.

"I know, but you won't believe who had Izuna's scent all over them this morning."

That statement in itself was enough to stop all movement in the background. That is how Kisame knew he got the man in a hold. "Whose? Was it that nurse from the ground above? Or the anesthesiologist that would drop by sometimes?!" Kisame laughed at his enthusiasm and put the pen back in the holder.

"Even better. Tobirama. I heard from Itachi that he had slept over the previous night and even had dinner with him."

"No way," Kagami said as he put something down in the background. A laugh erupted from the line shortly after which was contagious enough to pass on to the other. "I've gotta tell Nagato about this shit," he laughed out.

"Yeah, but for now we've at least gotta set them up on a date. Those two might be hopeless according to Konan."

"What about a secret no so secret date?" Kisame thought about it for a bit before smirking deviously. Itachi who had just entered the office, quirked his brow up in confusion. "Sure, what about this weekend at three? I can bring Itachi." Kagami agreed and hung up shortly after which left a confused Uchiha right in front of Kisame's desk.

"What was that about?" Kisame shook his head in slight amusement and pulled Itachi into his lap. "Nothing, just Kagami and his antics," he muttered before planting a kiss on the raven's lips. Itachi slightly resisted the gesture as he was a bit worried that someone would come in.

"You're so annoying," he muttered. Kisame laughed and held him tighter.


. . . .

Tobirama stared ahead at the lunch tray sitting right in front of him. The steam mingled with the scents coming off of his soup made him narrow his eyes at it. As if the soup was responsible for all of his suffering. He would end up putting his mask back on and sitting back in his chair. 

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