Isagi tilted their head, "Seems like they're window shopping." He said.


(Y/n) pouted slightly, before looking at the male beside her and showing him the item, "Do you think my brother would like this?"

"You said he likes basketball, so I'm sure he'll like the basketball charm." Sae said, making her nod.

She softly smiled at him, "You're right. Thanks, senpai." She said and going off to pay it.

He on the other hand looked around, seeing if a store catches his eye, before seeing the jewelery story.

"We can go now." She walked up with her small bag and the two left the store.

"How about we go there?" He questioned, pointing at the store he saw earlier.

"A jewelry store? Is there a reason?"

"I want to pick up something for my mother." He lied.

She nodded and the two headed there.


"A jewelry store?" Reo questioned.

Bachira gasped, "He's getting her a ring to propose!"

Isagi hit him, "No he's not. Plus, I'm sure Sae is more focused by football right now." He said.

"Oh, I guess you're right."


While the light blue haired girl looked around the store, Sae picked out a cute bracelet with cute charms for the girl and paid for it.

He looked at the girl, "Kuroko-chan, come here."

"Hm?" She hummed, going to him, "What is it?"

"Here." He handed her the small box.

Her eyes widen, "Eh? I thought we came here to buy a gift for your mother?"

"I lied. It was for you." He said, opening the box and showing the bracelet. He grabbed it and gently grabbed the girl's wrist and put bracelet around it.

She blushed slightly, "I don't know what to say...Thank you, senpai."

He nodded, "Of course."


Rin glared at his brother, "Bastard..." He muttered.

Bachira pouted, "Next thing you know, he's proposing."

Nagi blinked, "I don't like this at all."


As time went on and Blue Lock boys followed the two around the mall, they noticed how Sae would buy for the girl and (Y/n) would buy for her friends and family. But it soon came to when they all had to go home.

The red haired male dropped off the girl at her house.

"I didn't expect to come home with so many gifts, but thank you for them." The light blue haired girl said, smiling softly.

"I'll help you put them inside." Sae said, getting out the car to help her with the bags.

"Are you sure? Plus, I don't want you to be bombarded by my mother." She said, sweatdropping.

"It's fine. I don't mind it." He said, grabbing most of the bags and heading towards the door.

She grabbed the last few, closing the trunk and following, getting her keys and opening the door, "I'm home!" She called out.

"Sorry for the intrusion." Sae said, walking in.

Tetsuya walked up and blinked, "That's so many bags..." He said.

(Y/n) looked at her brother, "Tetsu-nii, is okaa-san and otou-san here?"

He shook his head, "They went out with obaa-san to grab a few things at the store."

"I see." She turned to the football player, "Well, thank you again, senpai. I'm sure you're tired and want to go back."

Sae nodded, "Yeah. I want to practice a bit tomorrow before I head back to Spain."

"Ah, have a safe trip back."

"Thanks. I'll be off." He then nodded at the light blue haired male, who nodded back, and went out the door.


As Sae came back to the hotel, he pulled back his sleeve showing a matching bracelet of the girl's. Now they were matching even if they were miles apart.


Stay away from (Y/n)


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