Animal Kingdom | Kilimanjaro Safaris

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Ashton loved the perks of working at Disney.

Yeah, he had long days filled with children screaming or people desperately flirting with him when he kindly declines their offers to any outing with them.

Every. Single. Time.

Ashton knows he's attractive, but it's not like he asked for his dashing good looks. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing.

But, his favorite perk was being able to go to any park of his choice whenever he wanted, when he isn't working, of course.

On Ashton's days off he chose going to Animal Kingdom to relax instead of soaking in a pool or taking a 4 hour nap. It's mostly for his favorite ride. If that's what you'd even call it. Kilimanjaro Safaris.

He enjoyed sitting in the vehicle and being able to seeing his favorite animals roaming about, enjoying life, only a few feet away. And if he was lucky maybe even some giraffes would follow along next to the vehicle.

Ashton also loved the drivers. He calls them tour guides, it's probably not even their specific name, but he's too lazy to ask them.

They have so much knowledge of the animals and it amazes him each and every time.

He also happens to be the person who asks questions every few minutes because each tour guide usually gives different descriptions and he liked that.

That was until he became infatuated with his last tour guide. He had to ride in Cal's safari vehicle every time now, and he would wait.

Don't underestimate him.


a/n: I don't know what's happening here heLP
this story was supposed to start out different but then I started writing and it kept ending up this way so I'm leaving it omg

thanks for reading!

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