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Much to Ariana's discomfort Beth lived in a small apartment. Ariana grew up living a rich life before and after fame. There was only one bathroom and three bedrooms.

She decided after all that staying here was better than being on the streets.

"Beth," Ariana whispered. The blonde looked at her questionably. "It's me.. Ariana" she said.

"The Ariana Grande?" Beth said "Oh and I'm Mariah Carey," she laughed.

"No I am Ariana Grande," Ariana said. She sat on the edge of a couch and stared at the floor. "This fan... she's performed witch craft on me. That little witch still has that photo of me from the right side!" Ariana thought angrily. Beth eyed Ariana for a few moments "It really is you" Beth added.

Ariana smiled and thought it took her long enough. "Its get Late, you should rest" Beth reassured her. Ariana nodded and yawned "So, where do I sleep?" She asked in her deep raspy voice that sounded like she smoked 24/7.

Beth knocked on the door to the second room "Yes mommy?" Ariana heard a voice say. A little girl in Unicorn striped walked out looking disturbed.

"This is Ariana. is it okay if she sleeps in your room and you sleep on the couch for the night Pumpkin?" Beth asked. Ariana knew this was rude, she stepped out from the couch "No.. I'll sleep on the couch for the night, you can have your own room," she said. The little girl looked confused but went back into her room.

Of course Ariana did not sleep that night. from all the weirdness in the air she could not fall asleep at all. At 5 AM in the morning Ariana spent two hours fixing herself up. She had trimmed the dead ends off her newfound horrible dead hair with scissors she found in Beth's bathroom.    Ariana's hair was shorter and looked even more puffy. She frowned.

Ariana noticed Beth standing at the door.

"what are you doing?" Beth said. "Fixing myself," Ariana answered.

Beth crossed her arms. "You don't need to do anything to yourself. You're already beautiful. From her." Beth pressed a finger to Ariana's chest.    Ariana felt insulted "What makes you think I don't have a nice personality?" She retorted.   

"You know what let's just try to sort this mess out" Beth tried changing the subject.

"Yes! Let's find that little witch that did this to me, maybe if we killed her all this be over!" Happily thought out loud.   Beth didn't look amused.

"There is no need for violence" she said. "You have a daughter.." Ariana mused. "Where's the father?" She asked. 

"He left us, but that's not important what's important is solving your problem," Beth added. "If you really are Ariana Grande."

          The next thing Ariana knew she was home alone in the apartment watching television.  For some stupid reason Sam and Cat was on. Ariana remembered saying good bye to Cat Valentine once she was done with that character.  She changed the channel and watched the news instead.


Ariana saw on the screen in italics.


Ariana turned the Tv off and looked out the window. She decided to go outside and go for a walk. She stood at the front door of Beth's apartment, looked left and right to see if anyone she knew was around. She saw someone walk past and cross to the other side. It's her, it was the witch from last night, Ariana was certain. She followed the figure to find nothing but a dead end. Ariana turned around and saw the teenager standing in front of her, she jumped. "You scared me!" She screamed.

The girl looked at Ariana with a slight smile on one corner of her lip.

"WHO ARE YOU," Ariana demanded. "Turn me back. I'll give you anything a selfie? You want a selfie? Sure.  Money? Whatever you want."

The girl only stood there. "Only if someone can love you through your looks, and for your heart," the girl said, "I told you already. If you don't share true loves kiss by December the Fifth, midnight, STAY THIS WAY FOREVER." the girl walked off. Before Ariana could chase after and strangle her, she was gone.

          Ariana returned to the front door of her acquaintance's apartment and sat there. Once again she cried for what felt like hours and hours until her eyes were swollen.

The little girl from last night was walking toward her carrying a brown backpack. Ariana guessed the girl had arrived home from school.

"What's wrong?" The girl asked her. Ariana sighed and the next thing she knew she had told the little girl her whole story. What has her life come to?

"Don't worry Ariana. I know you will find true love." The little girl patted Ariana on the back. "My names Scarlett," she said. Ariana laughed. The girl had blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes like her mother. 

"Nice to meet you Scarlett." Ariana shook the girls hand. "I love your music by the way," the girl said.

"Thank You," Ariana said. "What can I say."

      Ariana checked her iPhone. it was 4 PM and she had only 30 Percent battery left. Great. She got onto Twitter. The witch of a fan had logged her out on all of her social media.
Luckily, Ariana remembered her log in details. As soon as Ariana pressed log in, she found a big red warning titled
'Nice try, but you won't have any connections to your precious fans until you find true love.'
Ariana tried Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Snapchat. All with the same warning and not letting her log in. Angry, she thrust her phone onto the tiles.  Ariana picked it up shortly after. There was a tiny crack on the screen.

           A minute later they saw Beth walking towards them. "Back from work?" Ariana asked.   Ariana remembered Beth was a caterer. She often worked for celebrities and attended Ariana back stage.

"We need to get you a job," Beth suggested.

A job was the last thing on Ariana's mind.  She was a PopStar for crying out loud. She makes millions of money anyways. What would she need a job for?

At 12 AM Ariana had found that the number on her arm had decreased from a 30 to 29.  "Shit," she said under her breath.

The following day Ariana found herself waiting tables at an Chinese restaurant - Yum Cha. Beth had easily landed her a job there.  

"Steam barbecue pork bun please," a customer said. Ariana looked under the tray and took out the one the customer had been pointing to.  She scribbled random things on the receipt like they always did whenever she ate there. After what felt like hours she found herself being yelled at by who she guessed was the boss. No one could read what she had written on the receipt. What did they expect?

After four reckless hours of customer service, Ariana tossed the tray away and stomped out out of the restaurant. She cursed under her breath. "F---- this. I don't need this. I quit."

Vice-versa, Ariana returned to her newfound roommates apartment. She told Beth about how horrible it was working at a restaurant. Beth didn't look surprised.

"You know what? I'm waisting time! Tonight the number on my wrist will change to 28. I have to find 'true love' before 28 days or I'll never get back to my old life. No one recognizes me. I'm hideous!"

"You are not hideous," Beth gestured, holding Ariana.

"I have to go," Ariana said,  "I can't stay here, I need to break this curse, whatever it is."

As soon as she opened the front door Scarlett came running after her. She gave Ariana a hug.

"After you break the spell, don't forget to give me front seats at your next concert," the girl whispered.

"I promise" Ariana whispered back.

Author's note: Well that was short, if there is at least one person that likes this Fan Fic then I will try to write more. Please suggest inspiration and ideas, who would you like Ariana's true love to be?

A beauty and a beast [An Ariana Grande FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now