I dress up and go down stairs I pack my journal
"Toast, I can make tost!" Aunt Jenna says
"It's all about the coffee aunt jenna" Elena says, and I nod, waiting for her to grab her coffee so I can get more of mine
"Is there coffe?" Jeremy asks
"Yes so you better wait to get some" I reply
"It's your first day of school and I'm totally unprapared,lunch money?" Jenna asks
Jeremy grabs the money as me and elena look at each other Jenna might not know but we do know what he does with those and we drink our coffee
"Anything else,number two pencil, what am I missing?" Jenna asks
"Don't you have a big presentation today?"Elena asks I nodded
"She sure does" I say
"In meating with my thesis advisor at...now.Crap!" Jenna replies
"Then go we'll be fine" Elena says and looks at us
Jenna probably goes up to brush her hair
"You okay?" Me and Elena asked Jeremy
"Don't start." Jeremy answers and walks off
Me and elena shrug at each other and I put on my jacket waiting for her to drink her coffee 
Bonnie comes and picks us up and I seat in the back seat and elena the front
"So grams is telling me
I'm psychic."
Bonnie says
"Our ancestors were from Salem, Which isn't all that, I know, crazy, But she's going on and on about it,And I'm like ,put this woman in a home already! *Bonnie chuckles with me* But then I started thinking ,I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger,And I think Florida will break off *me and elena where distracted by looking out the window* And turn into little resort islands. Elena, Alina! Back in the car." bonnie says to us
"We did it again, didn't we? " Elena asks
"I--i'm sorry,Bonnie.You were telling us that..." Elena said
"that i'm psychic now."Bonnie says
"Right.Ok," Elena says but I cut off
"then predict something." I say
"About Elena." I say
"I see..." Bonnie is about to say but a bird hits our window as the car turns around making a circle around the road
"What was that?!"Bonnie asks
"Oh,my God! Elena and Alina, are you ok?" Bonnie asks
"It's ok. We're fine. Right Alina" elena looks at Me and i nod
"It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere." Bonnie says with apology on her eyes
"Really, We can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of our lives." Elena says and I nod
"It's alright bon bon" I smile
"I predict this year Is going to be kick ass.And I predict all the sad and dark times are over. And you are going to be beyond happy." Bonnie says and we all smile
Bonnie drives us to school.
There's crowded hallways,
"Major lack of male real estate.
Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.She looks a hot-- Can i still say 'tranny mess'?"Bonnie asks
As me and Elena smile
"No, that's over." Elena replies
"Ahh,find a man,coin a phrase.Its a busy year." Bonnie says as she opens her locker
Elena looks at Matt as he looks like he have just awoken and went through a melted break down
Elena puts his hand up to wave but Matt closes his locker and grabs his books
"He hates me." Elena says
Me and Bonnie smirk at eachother
"That's not hate.That's 'you dumbed me, but I'm too cool to show it,But im secretly I'm listening to air supplies greatest hits'." Bonnie gives Elena a reply
"Elena.Oh, my god. *Caroline hugs Elena and looks at us* "How are you guys? Oh its so good to see you .How are they? Are they good?" She asks Bonnie
"Caroline we're right here" I say
"And we're fine.Thank you." Elena joins in
"Really?" Caroline asks
I roll my eyes as I'm looking In my locker
"Yes.Much better." Elena says
"Oh, you poor things." She says and hugs us tight
"Ok, Caroline" we say as she was checking us a bit
"Oh!" She sighs a bit and smiles
"Ok, see you guys later?" Caroline questions
"Ok! Bye." Elena says and I roll my eyes once again a Lil bit so no one notices as she walks away
"No comment.Im not going to say anything" Elena says and I nod
As we all walk away
We walk in the hall way 
"Hold up. Who's this?" Bonnis asks
Elena:" all I see is back."
"It's a hot back." Bonnie says and I smirk at the guy at the reception
"I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays guitar."
Bonnie says squinting her eyes as I chuckle
"You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?" Elena asks
"-Pretty much." Bonnie says
"We'll be right back" Elena says and we, she goes into the boys bathroom I wait outside
And I hear Bonnie mumble
"Please be hot." And I chuckle
I decide to get to class
*History Clas*
"Once our state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region Has those different ideals than those from the traditional deep south.Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union." Msr.Tanner yaps
I decide to walk home I see the crow that hit the car
Creepy stuff Elena decided to go to the cemetery to write she missed mom and dad while I'm to sad to even look at it I wanted to go to this Cafe I always do, I write and draw
I dropped off there and I ordered an iced latte I sat down and grabbed my sketch book and journal
And started drawing what my thoughts told me I scribeld what I saw I kept and kept at the end it ended up a moon a full moon and a sun there was this face of a guy with dirty blond hair blue yes perfect jawline wavy hair short with a ring that had a M on it, with a necklace that had like a little spike I think and wrapped around the strap of the necklace was brown I kept looking when Bonnie called me
"Wanna come with us to mystic grill we want to chill with Care" she asks
I grab my stuff and coffe and call a taxi
*Mystic Grill with Care and Bon*
"His name is Stefan Salvatore." Care says as me and Bonie smirks she always does this gathering information
"He lives with his uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house."
"He hasn't lived here since he was a kid."
"Military family, so they moved around a lot." 
"He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue."
"You got all of that in one day" me and Bonnie ask
"Oh, please , I got all of that beetwen Third and fourth period." Care says and I look at her and sigh gosh this woman drives me crazy I smile how can she found this out
"We're planning a June wedding." She smirks
*at home*
"I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill" I hear Elena say from downstairs I would go but I just got back
Today I went through I smiled I said I'm fine a lot of times Bonnie has thinking she's psychic and all I've seen this drawing I drew
I cant stop its just It keeps giving me this feeling that I don't know it gives me goosebumps that something isn't right
Now is it I have to figure it out

I put on my pajamas and drift to sleep tomorrow it's this party I have to get ready

*next day*
"The battle of willow creek..."
Mrs.tanner keeps talking again
I get lost in my own world
How come I saw that drawing the things I saw and I couldn't tell what it was just so strange I do understand I won't be able but as my head was spinning the letter K came up to my mind something with the letters K and M I keep thinking about it something in the future it will effect and this fire it will come I can see it it will happen and everything happens for a reason I've learned it does and I will figure that reason cause I just will
*the bell rings*
*at the party*
I'm grabbed with elena everyone gosh bad timing for social anxiety so much music but loud hurting my ears
I come up to bonie
And 'Lena
"Talking bout Stefano" I joke
"I'm kidding it's stefan"
"Just admit it,Elena." Bonnie says
"Oh, ok, so he's a little pretty." Elena admits as I smirk
*gets lost in thought*
What is this guy K something M what dirty blond hair, full moon and sun necklace ring I couldn't seen to figure this out I keep
*out of thought*
Suddenly I hear ambulance I see Vicki getting carried by the doctors and Matt getting on the ambulance we ran home
I got in my room and grabbed my journal and sat down I got my sketch to on my desk I grabbed a pen and a pencil I drew what i saw there was Vicki bitten it didn't look normal I grabbed another paper I drew a stone it was in a circle shaped clear kinda Diamond and its just the beginning

Dear diary
Today I don't know what I saw or what I though I maybe had saw but it's just the begging and these other girls they looked like me and elena I saw that and something or someone Is coming and it's not good it is never good since this isn't a good start as I saw one thing is fog everywhere in my vision and I saw a fire at mystic falls it burned like hell like the hell fire that u can only find in hell , hell it's not good
Made this based of the s1 ep1 hope u enjoyed if u liked it put a 💗 in the comments or just a heart
It's not that goof but I tried I've seen better
Word count :1800

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