Ariz [headcanon]

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[Thank you for nini for requesting thiss. I totally forgot to do him sbb before went missing i ad tulis but padam. Now, here's a updated version]

"Dont look at them. Look at me."

How did you meet him;
-As a newcomers to the school, you surely got people attention.. and definitely got his.
He meet you by accident when he saw you cleaning your room. He decided to come say hi and meet the "talk of the school " .

-he make his way to you, he quite suprise that a girl like you can get into here. He thought maybe you could be the new toys he can play with. He call out to you, making you face him for the first time.

-as you turn around, the time stop ticking and everything went into slow motion..he cant stop staring at you. You stole his heart immediately.

-after he snap out of it he actually start talking.

How he act around you;
-mushy. After the night he meet you, he never leave you alone. He clings to you wherever you go.

-although he's with kahar, he never let any of them come near you. He never let any guys come too close to you. Even if you not talking to anyone, he will come up to you and start hanging out with you

-both of you dont have anything in common, but he cant let that be can he. He try his best to like anything you like or even show the slightest interest in

The moment the obsession start;
-its infuriating, at first he thought it was fine that you were talking to your classmates because he let slide. But the moment that guy laugh with you and you smile at him.. it snap something deep inside of him

-he start attacking student anonymously behind kahar, just so he can let his anger out . Its killing him just to see how you were so happy smiling and laughing with someone, anyone but him.. he hate it to the very core of his heart

-Tapi, die sedar.. this is.. not normal

-he have ecxetantial crisis over it, he dont even know what gotten into him. He dont even recognised himself. But when he sees you again, this time with you smiling at him.. it all went away. Just you being with him make his head cleared up..

-he love it, when you smile at him, when you worry for him, laugh and talk with him.. he love it.. he just cant get enough of it. So he accepted it, if going crazy and hurting people are what he gotta do just so he can have you.. he will.. he will make that sacrifice..

How he act [after the obsession start];

-you notice it, immediately.

-It actually worries you alot because he act like how he usually do but.. its something you cant point out

-he act like he usually does, despite how people perceived his as anak buah kahar or orang belakang kahar, he surely just as powerful as kahar. He never got caught and never will be as he perfected the way to hide his crime

-he took care of you, like a deity. Lapar, sakit , penat or even a bad day? Come here and let him do everything so you dont have to. He will worshipped the ground you walk on if he want too

-manipulation? The thought of hurting you will be the death of him. So he manipulate others and hurt them on his will

-if you talk to him about someone been hurting somebody or a rumours like that, he will shush you and say everything is fine and not to worry your pretty like head about some baseless gossip like that

How he confess to you;

-this took ages, he dont want anything to look wrong.. he want it to be perfect.. just like you

-he pamper you tirelessly, give you food and gift you everything you like. Its gotten to the point you dont even have to do your homework because he get it done

-after that, he take you out.  Not to the cinema or a fancy restaurant but to a beach near the time of sunset so he can watch the golden hues hit your face making them glow

-he prepared a picnic for you, a bouquet of flowers and a nice light meal for you. He prepared and everything went smoothly. When the times was right, he confessed to you

If you accept;
-he hold out a box, inside it was a necklace. As you looking at it he confessed his feeling for you. He let out how you were the only woman he will ever love and will worshipped you to the end of time.

-hearing that, you accept his feelings  with a warm smile on your face. If he could record this moment he will, just so he can hear yoh say yes over and over and over again for forever. He stand up and help you wear the necklace

-he knew it, the necklace is perfect for you. He maybe will be guilty of his dark crime but he wont be guilty of loving you and choosing you to be the love of his life

-after you guys when back, he declared it to the guys and they congrats him on that. Now its even harder for anyone to come close to you as kahar and the geng accept you as their own and give you a little bit of extra protection.


If you reject him;
-he hold your hand, he thought everything was perfect when he confessed his feeling for you but.. you had another idea

-you be honest with him, another boy in the school already caught your heart and you just.. never like him. You try your best to explain to him but it all fall to a death ears. It feel like a knife just stab him..

-after all he done, he gave you his heart, he did all of this and... the crime of his hand for you just so you say no.. he cant take it. No. He wont take it

-although it hurt him, he uses his manipulation on you. You are with him, who can save you now?

-he told you about the school, he told you about high council with of course leaving him out of it. He told you the thing the guy you "love" so much had talk behind you. He told you everything bad about the school just to scare you.. and it did. Hearing all of this for the first time quite shock you.. and rightfully so

-You dont take it, you didnt buy it at first for him. You just about to leave him when he threatened about your safety.  Who was always be with you? Who always help you? And who was beside you when other guy start getting too close with you?.. His words are suffocating,  it is the truth but you dont know.. you just.. dont know.. can you believe him? Is he telling the truth? But if he's not then.. who can you trust.. there was no one..

-the suffocation was too much, you cant take it. But he will help you, he will take care of you.. he will love you.. you are his. He never let you out like a bird inside a cage. He trapped you inside of his game and chain you up like a prisoners

-you are his. And he is yours.

Dh lame x write psal diorng, nk rewatch blk lahh nanti hehe. Btw sorry for any typo and i hope you enjoy this. Again thank for nini for requesting thiss


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