A gift from someone

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[What would happend if you (y/n) receive a gift from someone else]

-shocked is a must
-tengok dulu you punya reaction macam mana
-if you like the gift; he feel really jealous and will merajuk dgn you
-if you dont like the gift; he will belittle the gift and say the one he gave you are much better
-xkira you like it or not, fakri akan buang gift tu and bagi you yang lain

-doesnt believe his eyes when you show it
-help you open it just incase its something bad
-if you decide to keep the gift; he will stole it and ganti dgn yang dia beli
-if you dont want it; he gave you something else
-either way, you have to pujuk him so he doesnt feel jealous about it (he already does)

-xtunggu your reaction or anything, he will straight up throw it away
-already belittle the gift before you even open it
-if you merajuk, he will console you by giving something  else or anything you want
-will actually open the gift behind your back and buy the exact same gift to give it to you

-he actually noticed the gift before you so he open it behind your back
-if you receive a note or anything attached to the real sender,  he will throw it away
-be sneaky and gave the gift to you and act like he's the one that get it
-will find the sender and manipulate them into thinking how you hated the gift and everything

-absolute meletup
-on the outside he look fine but inside of his heart, he's ready to kill somebody
-allowed you to open it and see whats inside
-doesnt matter how you react to the give, he will burn it and dispose of it
-find the one who send it and break their arms
-will get you a gift tho so you still love him

-my boy was angry and devastated
-about to throw it away until you ask to open it
-got really jealous when you say you like it
-stole it away from you and literally burn it to pieces
-buy you something more expensive and better than the original gift
-also find the guy who send it and done some "talking" to them

-oh he lose it
-doesnt let you keep the gift and throw it away immediately
-to console you, he will buy something better or more expensive
-if that doesn't work he get your fav food/things
-will try to find the sender to break their hand

-also noticed it before you do
-throw the gift into the trash without your notice
-went out of his way to find the sender and teach them a lesson
-will be extra sweet and manja around you after that
-also got you a gift that better than the one sent to you

-he hate it
-even when he say he's fine, it clearly show on his face that he isnt
-let you open the gift first
-he let you keep it if you love the gift (sike- he stole it later and throw it away)
-if you hate it, he absolutely have no problem in helping you to destroyed it (he love it)
-buy you something else that more special later so you'll forget about the gift that been sent to you

Sorry for any typo, nanti ii ah baiki hehe

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