Out Of Love

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[You decide to prank them to see what will happened if you say that you feel like you falling out of love with them/ rasa mcm xcukup kasih sayang]

-immediately fell straight into the prank
-peluk you sambil bagi alasan ii yang dia still sayang you
-will promised to be a better person for you
-got so into it he almost cry so you had to console him lol
-once he know its a prank, he doesnt let you go
-hug you tightly, when you ask for him to let you go he will merajuk dgn you

-boy become speechless
-doesnt believe his ears but still try to reason with you calmly
-become nervous and hold your hand tightly while telling you to give him a chance to be better
-when you say its a prank, he grab your waist and doesnt let you go
-ala ii merajuk dgn you sbb nak you pujuk dia

-he feel like his world stop moving
-immediately grab your shoulder and as what he did wrong
-he was begging and shaking while asking for your explanation as to what he did that wasn't enough
-when you tell him it was a prank, he let out a heavy sigh..
-you calm him down and say multiple time you're sorry
-he forgive you tho so dont worry

-he was shocked (dramatic effects included)
-ask you whats wrong and why did you suddenly feel like this
-he went silent and ask if you had another guy, boy got murder on his mind
-when you burst out that you pranking him, he turn back into his normal self again
-you definitely almost got yourself killed without you even knowing it

-he doesnt believe you at first
-when you were being silent, he fall for it
-literally kneel down in front of you and ask you if you're being serious
-he was begging and everything to the point of literally not letting you move
-you have to calm him down and tell  him its a prank
-he give you a silent treatment for two hours before hugging you and beg you to love him
-you dont get a break away from him for the whole week bcs of the prank

-he was silent, speechless even when you told him
-beg for explanation out of you
-he uses his tears to manipulate you into telling him
-when you told him its a prank, he definitely got angry
-merajuk with you for the whole day, then when you cannot pujuk him you plak yang merajuk
-he have to pujuk you for the whole week after that

-air muka terus jatuh, he was silent the whole time after you told him
-he ask if you love another guy, boy was ready to kill
-was saying bunch of stuff for you to leave the (nonexistent) guy and how he can be better than before
-when you calm him down and tell it was a prank
-he laugh at first then went to chase you
-you pujuk him by cooking his fav food, he immediately love you back

-boy stand on business
-ask you calmly why you say that and demand and explanation
-grab your hand and promise to be better
-he melted your heart to the point you couldn't hold it any longer and jujur that its a prank
-definitely kene ceramah dgn dia
-got you a bunch of present after that tho, bcs he still scared you actually dont feel like he's enough
-definitely blush when you say you love him more than enough

-also doesnt believe you at first, ingt you main ii
-when you put on serious face on he fell for it
-grab you hand and demand you to say if you fall for another guy
-when he saw you were shocked,  he finally ask you for explanation calmly
-when you say it was a prank, he apologies for suddenly raising his voice at you
-pujuk you with food and gift after that
-also tegur you to not prank him like that anymore

Hope you enjoy, also i currently working on another book too. If you guys wanna check it out got to my acc okeyy.

Sorry for any typo and be sure to turn in for moree

PROJEK HIGH COUNCIL : YANDEREWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt