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Author's POV :

In class , Aryan , Naveen and Priscella started scolding him

Aryan : what the hell ? Why you did that ? You are not that bad. What made you to do that ?

Naveen : we are asking you something

Priscella: we need answer . ( SP just smiled lightly )

Spencer : that girl is actually not as good as you think . I didn't create the scene . That girl was taking photos of our secret storeroom . I saw that and I told to principal. This is the actual thing happened there. But I bet that , they might have created some other story and definitely I'll be the villain , right ?

They were blankly looking at his friend . They felt bad for scolding him . But still how come he made her to beg infront of everyone. Because of this , now he became a rumor .

Priscella : but still . You shouldn't have made her apologize in front of everyone. Is it accidental or its also your plan ?

Spencer: ( he just smirked ) it's my plan !! 😁😁

Naveen : but why ?

Spencer : ( SP became silent for sometime and explained ) I just wanted to see HER . It's been a long month, I saw her . I ignored her on  that one day . But then she didn't even mind me till now .

They all became silent . They know how much pain his friend undergone these 6 month just for not seeing her . He really became mad somedays . Now , SP eyes is full of tears which is getting ready to come out of his eyes .

Spencer : I missed her so much . How come she didn't miss me ? It's been 6 month we haven't even seen each other . But she didn't even care . Still I can't be like her . I badly wanted to see her , so I did. I know somehow I'll see her .

Priscella: go and talk to her ! Why you both are doing like this ?

Spencer : I don't have any rights to approach her . She is the one who told me to distance from her .

Naveen : are you in love with her ?

Spencer : (he chucked ) love ? What is love , anyways ? I really don't know. Then how come I know whether I love her or not . But it's more beautiful than any other relationship.

Spencer : still I miss the old days . When everyone literally were scared to approach me , she just keep on messing with me and not at all scared of me instead scares me ( he chuckled at the memories) . I wonder she really mentioned  that ' she love  me ' or am I just hallucinating things ?

Naveen : if it's not love , then okay !! But if it's love , you should definitely approach her . According to her you think love as a shit . Atleast make her know that , you didn't think like that .

Spencer : ( he let out a long breath ) huh!! We'll see. You know ? I saw her today , she is still the same . Those eyes !!! It hold thousands of butterflies. But , the way those eyes looking at me now is changed .  How long this will continue ?

Priscella: bro ! You are already in love .

Spencer just smiled and chuckled lightly . He again remembered those moment happened just before . He is so happy that he finally saw her after 6 months . He knows one thing , that he too started getting feeling for her  but not sure whether it is love or something else.

Vihas POV:

What actually happened ? What I witnessed right now was not real , right ? Spencer is going back to normal like when everyone scared of him . I was happy when he changed for a while when he's with Hema. But now , again all go back to the days how it was before .

I wonder what actually happened between them . When they were together , it looks chaotic but still beautiful. How many times I asked Hema what happened between them but she didn't tell anything.

But what I witnessed today made me more curious . I really wanted to know what happened few months before . Even if I ask her , she won't tell anything to me. So , I thought of taking some risk now . I am directly going to approach Spencer . I know it's a very bad idea , but I'm doing this for Hema .

I can clearly see the pain in her eyes today. It's the same eyes she had 6 months ago . I know she is good in hiding her feelings with herself . For the past 6 month , she is behaving strange . More over she won't come to school or she will bunk class . It's not good for her . I asked kaira but she's blabbering something . It's better I should put some fullstop in their dramas . They are hurting themself by avoiding each other . But why to suffer , when they can be with each other and happy like before . I'm doing this for you Hema , and also I don't want that bad boy Spencer era back !

Author's POV:

Everything looks so messed up and here we are now . Both Hema and Kaira were talking about what happened before .

Kaira : okay . Leave it Hema .

Hema : how ? How come you expect me to leave this ? Didn't you see how he behaved to that girl ? It's so wrong.

Kaira : what is with that?  Why you care , now ?

Hema : why I care ? I don't like these kind of behaviour from Spencer. I really don't like this .

Kaira : why you worried about that ? Did you forget that everything over between you both ?

Hema : why I worried ? I don't like others talking bad about him . I really want to punch those bitches mouth whoever talking shit about him . And what you told ? Everything over ?? Haa !! ( She chuckled ) I don't think so . His one intense glare is enough for me to die at the same place . I think NOTHING has CHANGED between us . Out of all people , he stared at me , he approached me , and acted like he was going to that way . But tell me what he's gonna do in girls wash room . Huh ? ( She laughed at the thought of Spencer walk passed her and moving towards girls wash room )

Hema : I missed him so much .... So so much ! I can see that he too missed me . It's just a waste of time hurting each other by the avoidance anyways . I have no idea what happening between us . How long this gonna happen ?

Its really funny when we try hide our  feeling but end up exposing it more and more ....

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