What's done is done, there ain't anything you can do about it

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{Shouyo's POV}

When I was younger I was this Shy, Quiet kid, someone who lacked presence. People barely noticed I was there due to my lack of presence and when they did, they screamed. I used to love sports as a kid. My favorite was Basketball, but where we lived didn't have it. As I grew people barely noticed me, a lot of the time I was invisible.

I didn't have many friends growing up, people didn't see me. So I was not there as a child and I panicked when people did see me. Some say that I'm a freak because of how much I lacked presence. Some people when they did see me, bullied me.

My love for basketball grew when I was younger and before my Dad died, we used to play basketball together, so when he died I was hopeful of playing it again. Growing up without having any friends made me fear social interactions.

One day the doctor diagnosed me with social anxiety and panic attacks. As I got to my first year of middle school it got worse to the point of me constantly having panic attacks. So one day my Mother decided to move closer to a high-tech middle school called Teikō Junior High.

My first day was nerve-wracking because, One nobody knew me, and two it was half of the first year. I was known as a straight-A student in elementary and at my old school. So when I was looking for a club to join I came across a basketball gym.

I went into the gym to then notice a basketball on the ground, so I went over there and picked it up. I start dribbling the ball and then I shoot it from half-court making the hoop.

{Somewhere else}

A light-haired boy and a dark tan boy were seen walking together when they heard the sound of loud bouncing from one of the gyms. The dark tan boy looks at the light blue-haired boy questionably. "Tetsu, did you hear that?" He asks the boy who was now dubbed "Tetsu." He nods and both of them go closer to the gym. As they get closer they hear the sound of a ball bouncing.

They get closer to the gym door and open it, and what they see is a ball floating not noticing the boy who was holding it. "GHOST!" They both screamed before turning around and running away.

This kept happening until other people started noticing and specifically their teammates noticed. A red-haired boy looks at them curiously when they come back running for the fourth day.

"Okay, so since this keeps happening. Do you want to tell us why?" The red-haired boy asks them while giving them a stern glare. Both of them gulp and then explain what's been happening.

"So you're telling me that there is an apparent ghost in another gym? Doesn't that remind you of someone? More specifically Tetsuya?" The red-haired boy says while looking at them. They both look at the red-haired boy nodding.

"Yes Akashi." They both replied while looking at the person who was now revealed to be Akashi. Akashi looks at them, then looks at a boy with green hair and glasses on. "Shintaro? Can you go check that gym please to see if an actual person is there?" Akashi asks while looking at Shintaro.

Midorima goes to the gym, and as he gets closer he hears bouncing coming from the gym. He opens the door when he notices a ball flying in the air and landing in the hoop. He looks to shed it was to come from, but only sees it's empty.

"Is there anyone here?" He asks while looking around the gym. Not seeing anyone he turns around only to bump into something invisible. He looks down to see a person with bright orange hair and brown eyes. "Hello." The person says quietly looking up at Midorima. Midorima's eyes widen when he notices the person in from of him.

"Were you here the whole time!?" He slightly yells while looking down at the person in front of him. Has he been here the whole time and I didn't notice him!? I should have noticed him since I saw kuroko. Does he have less presence than Kuroko? He thinks only then comes back to the present when he feels someone tapping his arm.

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