Part 2

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Whitney has been living with Bianca for few months now but she was due move into her own flat soon she was just waiting for keys be handed back so she could move in with Ava and Britney. Zack had come visit Ava every other weekend and each time he tried to get Whitney take him back but she was adamant they was over for good. When he knew she really wasn't going change her mind and they was over good they both agreed he could come and take Ava out at weekends before he returned went back walford. It was weekend and Zack was collecting Ava for few hours so Whitney decided she'd take Britney and they could go and choice what colour paint she'd like for her new bedroom. "I'll bring her home about 5ish then Whit okay" "Yeah that's fine I've put some extra clothes in there and some food as she'll get hungry in hour or so" "Okay were see you later" "Bye bye Ava have fun with daddy love you" Zack waved Ava little hand at Whitney and left. "Right then you ready Britney?" "Yeah" "Lets go Bianca see you in bit you need anything?" "If you can get some orange juice it's Morgans favourite" "Okay see you in bit" "Have fun" Whitney and Britney had fun looking at all different colours Whitney wanted her bedroom be black and white and Britney wanted hers pale pink. They choose some other bits go in rooms and made there way home, Whitney was carrying the paint home while Britney carried the other bits shopping. As they arrived back at flats Whitney noticed a car parked up and a woman she'd never seen before and asked Britney if she knew who it was. "Oh just some couple that moved in last year, although the woman is really lovely but the man is very odd" "What you mean odd?" "Well I've only spoken him twice once when he moved in and second time when I was down here and he was looking for something but couldn't find it. But he was acting strange like he was confused or something I'm not really sure" "Did you tell Bianca?" "Yeah but I don't think she believed me as she's never seen him around" "Well I believe ya next time you see him tell me yeah?" Britney nodded her head and they went inside and Bianca made dinner for them. Zack returned with Ava ands Whitney told him he could feed and put her bed while she had her dinner in peace. He was greatful and after he finally got her settled he said his goodbyes and told Whitney he'd be back next weekend. A month passed and Whitney finally had keys her new flat, luckily it was only few doors down from Bianca so she wasn't far if she needed any help or someone mind kids while she popped out. Bianca was delighted having her living few doors away she'd really missed her and now they could pop in all time and see each other. That night Whitney was trying settle Ava and she heard banging coming from outside she checked over balcony but no one was out there so she checked through the peep hole and again couldn't see anyone. Heading into livingroom watch bit telly before bed she heard the banging again and she ran to balcony and she seen someone walking around making a noise. "Keep it down I've got a baby up here trying to sleep!" She went back inside and closed the door and the man slowly walked back inside feeling very confused. Over next few weeks Whitney was doing up her flat while Bianca looked after Ava she wanted get it all painted and do It up nice and homely for all them. "Well what you think your new room do you like it?" "Yes thank you Whitney" "Your welcome" "You've done brilliant job Whit why don't I get us all take away tonight to celebrate?" "You don't have to do that Bianca I've got loads food in" "I know but you deserve night off" "Alright then just this once" They all sat down enjoy there meal and afterwards Whitney gave them all ice cream before putting Ava to bed. "Why don't you choose a film and I'll be back once I've got her asleep yeah?" "Okay" Whitney finally got Ava sleep and joined Britney on sofa and they snuggled up and watched mama Mia together. "Oh I forgot tell you you know you said if I ever seen that man again tell you?" "Yeah?" "Well I did see him again Bianca was feeding Ava and I was stood on balcony and I noticed him looking up at our flat. "Did he say or do anything?" "No nothing" "Do you know where they live?" "No like I said I've only met him twice I just know he lives around here somewhere" "Okay don't worry everything be okay I promise. Why don't you go get ready bed yeah" Britney gave Whitney a hug and they went bed. Next day Bianca popped in for coffee and while Britney was in shower Whitney asked her about this man who lives on the estate that Britney has seen but she hasn't. "Oh yeah she's mentioned him me few times but I've never seen him. I'm not sure she's making it up or not" "Why would she make it up?" "For attention from her mum" "But her mum dont care" "She knows that now" "So you don't believe her?" "I'm not saying that I'm just saying I've never seen him around before. "Same I've told Britney next time she sees him she has tell me. I just don't wanna see her get hurt by anyone" "She wont she has you and me looking after her now" It's been few weeks since Britney last seen that man, one morning she was meeting a old friend at park. Whitney didn't mind her going as was on the estate and she could see her from her living room window. After putting Ava down for a nap she told Bianca put kettle on she just gunna check on Britney. Holding back curtain she seen Britney on swing and she froze there standing outside the park walking around was a tall man Whitney couldn't see the colour of his hair as he had his hood up. but she was sure he had a beard It can't be could it? Whitney told Bianca watch Ava she'd be right back, as quick her legs would let her she ran down stairs and out door and across the road by time she reached the park her heart was racing not cause she was out breath cause never in million did she think it would be him. Whitney slowly walked towards park and Britney looked up "Whitney. Is it time go inside?" Whitney didn't answer she just kept staring at the man who was walking off it wasn't untill he'd heard someone shout Whitney name and he slowly turned around and there eyes met. A car pulled up beside him and a lady honked and he got inside Whitney called after him but the driver drove them away. "Whitney what's wrong? How did you know that man's name? Whitney" Whitney couldn't move couldn't speak, she felt like she'd just seen a ghost Britney called Bianca and told her something was wrong with Whitney. She quickly put Ava in her pram and went and found them in park. "Whitney! What's happened? Britney tell me what's happened? Has he hurt her? " "No he didn't come anywhere near us I don't know she just seen him and hasn't said anything" "Whit. You okay? What's happened" "I seen him" "Seen who? your not making any sense Whit" "At first I thought I was wrong I mean there's no way it could've been him" "Who?" "But then be turned and looked at me and I just stared at him not quite believing it was actually him. "Whitney who?" "Then a car pulled up and he got into it and they drove off together" "Who drove off together? Come on Whit your scaring me now. Who you see?" "Mick" "Mick. but he's dead Whit" "I know but they've never found a body. I'm telling you it was definitely him Bianca he looked me and I knew straight away it was him" "Okay lets go home get Ava in warm and we will call the police. Back at flat Whitney didn't wanna call police or even Linda just yet as she wasn't sure if they would even believe her she asked Bianca would she mind minding kids while she went and look see if she could find him first. "Okay but promise me be carful and if you do find him ring the police if not Linda okay?" "Yes okay" Whitney put her coat on and went outside she waited there few hours when she seen a man appear he didn't see her so she got up and walked towards the park once more. Whitney followed him and waited till he sat on the swing he looked un kept, cold, tired and hungry. She slowly walked towards him and opened the gate. "Mick" Mick looked up and looked at her but he was confused. "Mick. It's me Whitney remember?" Mick still didn't say anything he just looked back down and stared at ground. Whitney sat on the swing beside him and looked at him. Do you not remember me? I'm Whitney I used be married your son Lee? You know your's and Linda son. You remember Linda your wife mother your kids? Where have you been? We've all been worried sick about you. We thought you was dead. Have you eaten? Why don't you come with me and I'll get you something to eat and you can warm up yeah? Come my flat it's only over there, take my hand please?" Whitney reached put her hand Mick was just about take it when a woman called him and he got up and walked away. "Mick wait please. meet me here later then yeah please I'll be waiting for you"  Whitney went back inside and Bianca asked her is she was okay. "Yeah it's him it's Mick" "You joking? Where's he been all this time? You have ring the police and Linda now" "No not yet" "Why not?" "Because he don't remember who he is let alone who Linda is or his family. I need help him to remember then I will call them" "Whit you need call them now" "No I don't and I swear Bianca if you do that's me and you finished. Later that evening Whitney left the kids with Bianca and went back park wait for Mick she really hoped he turned up but she wasn't sure. To her surprise he was already there waiting sat on the swing. "Mick" Whitney smiled at him and it was then she noticed the cuts and bruises on his hand and arm."Mick what's happened? Where did them cuts come from and bruises?" Mick didn't say anything he just covered his hand up so Whitney couldn't see it. "Mick please talk me you know you can tell me anything. Do you want come back mine and have cup tea? I can take look your cuts and clean them" Mick looked this woman and there was something about her he liked and he trusted her so he agreed go with her. Once they arrived back her flat Bianca was shocked it really was Mick. "Whitney you have call the Linda and police" "I will just let me get him settled. Here you go Mick sit down and I'll make you cup tea. Britney can you do me favour keep eye on Ava please" "Okay but isn't this the man I was telling you about Whitney? Why is he here?" "Don't worry I promise you everything is fine. Your safe Mick is my friend he wont hurt you" Whitney got some warm water and gently cleaned Mick's cuts on his hand. "Where have you been Mick we have all been worried sick about you. I, we all thought you was dead" Tears began form in Whitney's eyes and Bianca walked in with cups of tea. "I just need get some tissues be right back" Whitney got up and walked to bathroom and sobbed her heart out. She couldn't believe Mick was here alive sat in her living room. She knew she had inform Linda and the police but she wanted try and speak him first see if he could remember anything. After she washed her face she went back into living room and Britney was sat on floor playing with Ava. After promising Bianca she'd call police after Mick had eaten and she'd made him take shower she went home. "Britney dinners ready come to table and bring Ava please. Mick would you like join us or shall I bring yours to you?" Mick didn't speak so she dished him out some on plate and left it on sofa for him. Please eat that I'm just going put Ava to bed and I'll be back okay" After putting Ava down Whitney went back into living room and Mick was sat there eating his food. Not wanting to disturb him she decided go clean the kitchen but to her surprise Britney had done it all. "Thank you so much. You didn't have to do that." "Well I live here to and you've been busy with Mick. I was going clean living room to but I didn't wanna scare him or stop him eating" "Come here your amazing you know that" "So are you"

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