It's a surprise

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"Please talk to me Scar" It sounded more like a beg rather than an offer. But Regina knew Scarlett would have to let the emotions out at some point. 

However, Scarlett thought the exact opposite. She pushed the shaken feelings away, madness returning to her eyes.

"No, I won't let Cady have that satisfaction. That girl is dead to me"

Scarlett grabbed the phone out of her pocket and opened her messages. 

Regina had no idea what was going on, she had never seen something like this happen. Sure she kind of knew Scarlett's emotions by now, but the things happening right now were completely untouched grounds for her.

She too, was mad at Cady for what she had done, she was furious even. So she agreed with whatever plan Scarlett was making in her head. Like she had texted the redhead, they were gonna have to dig a grave real soon. 

Because one thing was for sure when you crossed either of them, things aren't gonna be pretty afterwards.

"Well, what's your plan," Regina asked, trying to take a look at Scarlett her phone.

She was surprised to see Cady's name on the screen with Scarlett typing a message. 

"I think it's sweet to invite Cady to the Halloween party next week, don't you agree?" 

"Huh," even more confusion appeared on Regina's face. Everything coming out of Scarlett's mouth sounded so sweet, almost too sweet.

"Well, we should invite Cady. It'll be such a thrill to have her around!" Scarlett smirked, her plan already taking form in her head. 

"You're not really making sense her Scar. Care to elaborate?" Regina asked, eager to know what comes next. 

Scarlett knew exactly what she was planning on doing. So she explained everything to Regina.

"So, you know how Cady became like kind of obsessed with Aaron right? She's been trying to talk to that poor man for who knows how long. Failing, but that's beside the point" Regina nodded her head, thinking back to that one conversation during English.

It was just too embarrassing to look at. 

Cady sat behind Aaron, in no way focusing on whatever the teacher was talking about. Instead, Cady was focused on Aarons's brunette hair, perfectly shaped around his head. She thought it was beautiful. 

Regina sat on the other side of the classroom, minding her own business when she heard Cady speak up.

The redhead tapped Aaron on his shoulder, making him turn around in his seat.

"Do you like gum?" She asked, hope in her voice.

Regina rolled her eyes at the scene, already knowing where this was going.

"Uhm yes?"

Aaron reached out his hands, expecting a peace of gum to appear in it. Instead, Cady shook her head. "Oh. No, I was just asking" 

Regina had to cover her mouth to keep her from bursting out in laughter. Everything happening in front of her was just too embarrassing to keep up with.

Cady was too embarrassing.

"Well, don't you think that she's been taking it a little far, a little... too... far" Scarlett suggested making Regina raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? The only thing she's been trying are these stupid conversations?" Regina answered, trying to remember any other occurrence, but she couldn't think of any.

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora