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He got dressed and started on his way to his shop again, Spark following every step of the way. He had reached a dark alleyway he passed through every morning which always seemed to make him flinch.

  “Hello, pretty boy.” A deep voice said, one he knew all too well. A chill ran down his spine. “Where's my money?”

      “Um… I…. It's just…” Elias tried to explain.

      “Cat got your tongue?” The big scary man asked coldly. “Today's your deadline and you know what happens when you exceed the deadline.” The scary man said demonstrating  by putting his thumb across his neck slowly.

   “I promise, please. Just give me more time.” Elias begged.
   “No!” The man yelled. “Your time is up.”

Elias looked around for anyone who could save him but the road was suddenly empty. No bustling electric cars, no lights, no shiny big tv screens. It was so empty you could literally see tumbleweeds.

   The scary man shoved Elias into the alley. Lifting him up by his collars, he closed his eyes bracing himself for impact.

   “What the hell?” The man yelled. “Why can't I move?”

     Elias peeked to see his amulet glowing and the man in front of him frozen to the spot. He gently yanked himself away and ran.

   “I'm so sorry. I'll pay you back as soon as I can.” He yelled running as fast as he could. He stopped wanting to catch a breath. What the hell just happened?!
    Was the amulet really activated after all?




The amulet was activated and Elias wasn't the only one aware if the powers it yielded.


     “What do you mean the gold crested amulet?” The head of the council asked in utter disbelief.

    “Yes sir. It was activated by someone known as Elias darkwood.” Aurelia Everhart, a member of the council stated.

   Aurelia was  twenty five years old, she had beautiful brown hair, some freckles and the deepest emerald green eyes, she was really pretty. She had been working her whole life to get to where she was. Having extremely perfect parents prying down her neck. Failure was not an option.

   “Get his address, Aurelia. You are going to be paying a visit to this Mr Elias.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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