First impressions

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The next day came and as Adeline rose from her sleep, she was ready for what her new high school would give it her, whether it was tough or durable. She headed into the bathroom, turned on the shower so the water could heat up and played some music on her JBL speaker. By the time she was done, she heard her mother calling her downstairs.

The outfit she picked for the day consisted of blue low-waisted jeans with a white fitted crop top. She did some touchup on her make up, grabbed her bag, and headed downstairs, her mother had already packer her lunch for her and was ready for her to have her breakfast.

"Morning darling, how was your walk and sleep?" After Adeline's mother asked, she remembered the oy she saw on her walk the previous day, his appearance make her leg weak and jiggly just by thinking about him. "It was nice, I was wondering how I was going to get to school without my car as well?" Her mother slid purple car keys across the table to Adeline side, signaling that her car had already arrived form their old home and was ready to be taken.

"They already brought it?" Adeline asked, wondering how they hadn't even been there for 24 hours, and she already had her car back. "Brimsly was the one who made for the arrangements. You should thank him." As Adeline turned her head slightly to the side, she caught eye of him in the corner smiling at her, this brought great happiness to her. She winded up eating her breakfast and said bye to her mother. She gave her a slight peck on the cheek and rushed out the door, leaving her mom alone.

"We did it, Jack. We got to see our little girl grow up." She whispered to herself as a single tear roller down her face. Adeline rushed into the car and turned the engine on, signaling for the gated to be opened. It took her about 15 minutes to arrive at her high school, it was so crowded it took her about 5 minutes to find a parking spot.

As she got out, she spotted a group of kids surrounding one car, all smoking vapes and weed while conversing, as she scanned the group, she could already tell their state is in school, these were the popular kids. The one that run the school in their own way, and that's when she spotted the same boy form yesterday. He on top of the car's windshield, staring back at her with the most blank stare ever.

The bell rang snapping both Adeline and the boy out of their trance. She then grabbed her bags and walked into the school hallways, people were heading to class in a hurry and this led her to start panicking, knowing she must be late as well. She started increasing her pace in walking with a paper that had been printed with her timetable on it, just then she bumped into someone making her have slight stumble backwards.

As she looked up to see who it was, she immediately recognized the person. "Kyle?" The boy also looked up, wondering how she knew his name. He also had a shocked expression in his face, wondering how they would meet again. Kyle use dot be Adeline's bully when they were younger. Always playing nastily tricks on her, some would say because he hated her while others would say it was his feeling for her. Before she left, he ended up confessing his feeling for her, saying that the only reason he did those things was to get her attention.

Now the met again and he couldn't even hold eye contact with her. "Hey Addie. Nice to meet you again, after all this time." Adeline couldn't help but smile after seeing his nervous expression after seeing her. They stared at each other for some time, not breaking the long-held tension between them.

"Shoot, I'm late for class, I'll see you around though." She then blew him a slight kiss before swerving by him running to her class. He let out a low chuckle, ready to, not believing that the girl he was still in love with came back and looked more beautiful than before. He pulled out a cigarette and waltzed out of school, another ay for him to skip his classes.

Adeline was able to get to first class, statistics, in which she was paired with a girl that was sat at the back table. Her name was Luna. As they got to know each other better, Luna told her about everyone on her friend group and decided that she would introduce her at lunch. The bell rung signaling that it was time for break and after she had P.E. Adeline headed to the girl's changing room and changing into her gym school kit. It was white shorts with a black long-sleeved compression shirt that's tuck to her body.

As everyone got seated and ready for class, Adeline sat herself down next to Luna and was soon joined by a group of guys." Hey, Luna. Who's the new girl? One a put a word in for me and give her my number." Luna was frustrated at the attention Adeline was getting and shooed the boys away. She was then joined by two girls. One with beautiful chestnut brown hair and the other had shaved her head.

"Okay guys, settle down, my name is Mr. Rivers, and I'll be your academic coach for today. We will be dividing ourselves into pairs so we can do the research project I have planned which is 40% your grade this year." A girl asked whether they would be able to choose their own partners to which he replied by saying "No, I have already chosen the partners for you." As she went down the list people would either groan or have an excited look on their face.

"And finally, Luna you're paired with Kyle and Adeline you're paired with Vinnie." As she heard that, her face turned to see who her partners were, making eye contact with the same boy that had been on her mind since she arrived. He still had that same smirk on his face and sat next to her. His cologne invading her nostrils as she looked him. "Hey." His deep voice sending vibrations through her eyes leaving her speechless and no words coming out.

"It's rude to stare and not say anything, you know that?" the more he talked and uttered these words the more she couldn't talk, he moved closer to her, making her seem smaller than she was. "I-I..." She couldn't even say a word. Vinnie chuckled to himself and leaned back, making his long hair fall back. "You will be doing research on the different types of sports in all of history." Mr. Rivers said as he handed out different papers to the groups. Vinnie and Adeline got Equestrian horse-riding; they were also in luck because the town had stables filled different types of stallions.

As everyone headed out, Vinnie put his arm around Adeline, making her heart skip a beat, "So, you're house or my house, sweetheart?" he asked her while looking intently at her Before she could answer, he said she could come over to his for a party, celebrating a success to the school year. Behind all the laughs and giggles, Kyle stood there with an annoyed expression on his face causing him to boil with rage. 

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