Soon my anger deflated and I saw everything in normal colors again. I looked at my hands and saw the tacks of my gloves covered in blood again.
I looked at my victim. She was lying on the cold metal floor, her eyelids slightly drooping, her body and the ground around her covered in blood. I saw her so small, so insignificant...that she made me feel a little sorry.
I gently took her shoulders and sat her on the floor. She was pouring blood from her nose. She opened her mouth and spat out blood, spilling over her lips and staining her clothes and the floor.

BullyBull: There you go. Imma get you something, I'll be back.

I came back a while later with a cup of coffee - there were still those machines working.
She didn't seem to like the taste, as she had swallowed it mixed with the blood, but she relaxed a little more after a tiny break.
I said I would leave the room for a while. I turned off the lights, closed the door and left her there alone.
Oddly enough, it was part of my plan to break her; continually leaving her alone to weaken her most defensive position, and from time to time entering with her and taking advantage of any bad gesture to make her regret having been born.

Thus the hours passed- maybe days passed, who knows-, she was getting more and more nervous, every little thing scared her and she panicked every time I entered the room.
I, on the other hand, took my time to be with her. We didn't talk because she wasn't in the mood, but I would sit next to her, give her food from time to time, play with her hair and try to make her laugh. When all that failed and she was more irritated than usual, I would wait patiently for her to lose her mind so I could have an excuse to hit her, even if it was just a slap.
Although normally, the blows were bigger than a slap. I punched her, kicked her, and once I slammed her face into the ground.
However, I never used the stun gun on her.

Well, I'm lying, I used it only once against her, but it was because of a horrible, yet unjustified anger I had with her.

When I did it, CatNap asked me to bring the unconscious Bobby to her because he needed something from her.
I was thinking about how I could knock her out without using more violence...when I entered her cell.
Despite the smell of blood, my pine tree fragrance, and her smell of rose, I smelled another aroma. An aroma...of vanilla, and peppermint...and...ylang-ylang?
It was a strange combination, but that wasn't the important thing.
Someone had been here.

Bobby was sitting in the corner, with something in her hands that she hid as soon as she saw me enter.
I approached her.

BullyBull: What are you hiding?

She shook her head.

BullyBull: I'll ask again. What are you hiding?

Bobby Bearhug: Nothing...

I saw some kind of ribbon or thin string between her hands.

BullyBull: Your pendant?

She nodded.

BullyBull: May I see?

She shook her head.

BullyBull: Then you're lying.

Bobby Bearhug: No, I'm not.

BullyBull: Then show me!

Bobby Bearhug: No!

I got angry, although if I'm honest, I don't know what made me angry. I pulled out the taser and shocked Bobby. I hit her in the neck with the stun gun, so not only was she stunned, but she was directly unconscious.
She released a pendant from her hands, but I don't think it was hers.
The pendant was of the shape of a lightning; it can't be hers.

Anyway, I already had Bobby unconscious and a lead to track whoever sneaked in.
I picked Bobby up in my arms and took her to the place CatNap and I agreed upon. When he took her away, I started searching around, on the lookout for any interlopers who had come here.
I moved stealthily through the hallways. I began to question why humans thought bulls were clumsy; Despite what the comparison that humans invented says, I would go into a china shop and not break anything.

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