Chapter 8:Walk Of Shame?

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Katherine's POV

       I have always loved reading romantic novels, they were like my guilty pleasure, the grand gestures of the male lead, the great sex, the crazy one night stands that almost always lead to a beautiful relationship and the legendary "walk of shame" the female lead had to do after an amazing sex with a stranger that left her legs shaky the next day. I never really understood the plight of the female lead until a few moments ago when I had to take that same walk , the walk that Jane always spoke about after her crazy one night stands.

     "I didn't have sex with him and he wasn't even there when I left , maybe that wasn't a walk of shame" I thought trying to make myself feel better but that voice at the back of my head had to speak "but you almost did have sex with him" it mocked. Thinking back on how Jane described it, it perfectly matched the way I felt during my escape earlier only that mine would have being considered "a run of shame" I thought and sighed heavily.

    All through the ride back home I was lost in my thoughts, I brought the window down feeling a bit stuffy , maybe a little air will some how take away my shameful thoughts but unfortunately it didn't, as I felt the cool breeze of the always bustling city hit my face, memories of last night suddenly started flooding in and it left my mind in more chaos.

     "Miss" the voice of the taxi driver brought me back from my thought , I looked at him with a bit of confusion "We have arrived your destination" he told, I looked out and noticed he was right. "I am so sorry, I was lost in my thoughts" I said a bit embarrassed before reaching to my purse to get his fee. "o that's fine, it happens to the best of us" he said with a smile as I handed him the fee and thanked him before alighting the taxi.


      "oh my goodness, you asked him to do what?" Jane asked interrupting my story for the third or even fifth time and looking at me like I just grew three heads, " for the last time Jane, I was drunk, I would never have done that if I was sane and please let me finish this story" I said and she made a hand gesture of zipping her mouth and I smiled before taking it up from where I stopped.

    "Then I ran off quickly , it was so embarrassing, anyone who saw me would have thought I was being chased by someone or something" I finished off and Jane hugged me" I am so sorry I made you go through that, I should have paid more attention to you "she apologized amidst tears. "It wasn't your fault, I was just a too careless and should have paid mind to how much I drank so stop taking the blame" I explained.

     "Stop being too nice, I took you there and was supposed to be responsible for your safety , I promise it wont happen again" she said and tightened the hug " you have already apologized enough plus on the bright side I wasn't in anyway harmed. "I said so we could stop the blame game, knowing Jane we would keep on arguing bout who was to be blamed if I didn't accept her apology.

      "How coincidental that you were saved by that same fine specimen from the other night, you really are lucky if I didn't know better I would have said he was a stalker" Jane said teased and I laughed "how can you conclude that is good looking when you haven't even met him yet?" I asked and she looked at me like I was crazy.

      "But I have heard his voice and from his voice ,girllll I know that man be fine as hell plus you never said he wasn't" she pointed out and I laughed she was right that man was created to unleash chaos on earth, his body is a master piece created to meet sexual fantasies and that voice is one of the two voices capable of giving you an orgasm just by listening to it , the second being AGUST D's growl during his performance in the D-DAY tour.

      "Hey earth to Katy, where is your mind at? being calling you for a while now, what are you thinking bout with that smile on your face?" I heard the snap of Jane's fingers which brought me out of my thoughts, "Oh sorry bout that, I wasn't thinking bout going.. yeah having my bath" I tried to think of an excuse with my cheeks a bit flushed but of course Jane wasn't buying it . "Yeah I love taking a bath so much that the mere thought of it make me blush" Jane sarcastically said with her signature eyeroll and I laughed.

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