Chapter 1: New Job.

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         Katherine's P.O.V

          "Bannngg!" the scary rumble of a thunder roared furiously across the rainy night sky  waking a little girl up from her sleep "Mamma!" the frightful voice of the little girl who was barely seven years of age echoed through a dark room.

    "Mamma, are you there? Its really dark and I am scared" she called out again in tears as she tried to find her way out of the room . "Mamma! Papa! the little girl continued to call out while trying to find her way in the dark, despite bumping into a few thing , it seemed the little girl was familiar with the house.

      Not too long she approached a flight of stairs with a sconce on the wall next to the stairs , the little girl smiled on seeing that its candles were lit so she took the candelabra but she was quite reluctant to  ascend the stairs , while she was contemplating going upstairs she heard a weird sound followed by a scream from up the stairs.

   "Mamma! are you up there" the little girl tearfully screamed but she got no answer so she decided to go , as soon as she took her first step up, she heard another scream but this time it sounded weak but really close and in a few seconds she felt something heavy hit  her legs .

      Filled with so much fear she struggled to remain calm, she pointed the candelabra towards the ground to see what had hit her legs, as soon as she saw what is was, "Mamma" she screamed and passed out  but before lost consciousness she saw someone standing on the top of the stairs and the person seemed to be calling her name.

    "KATHERINE!!!" I heard someone call my name as they shook me.

   "Wake up Katy!!" I heard a familiar voice

      As soon as I opened my eyes I see my best friend and I immediately hug her while crying my eyes out.  "shhhhuu, its just a dream, I am here with you okay" she says while giving my back light pats which helps ease my body.

     "Same dream again?" she asked me when she noticed I was calm, "  Yes "I nodded my head and she gave me another hug, I have had this same dream for as long as I can remember, though it happens occasionally especially when it rains, what upsets me the most is that I do not understand why I have them.

    "Let's go for a run" my best friend says and pulls me out of bed.

    I am not a gym girlie but I have always loved running, it helps me take my mind off things . We both go for a run while we talk about everything, thank goodness its a Saturday, I can't imagine going to work today considering the fact that I have so much to do today.


       "Did you remember to get the cake on your way back?" I ask Jane and she gives me an eye roll "yes I did, I left it in the living room" she answered grudgingly.

      " I really don't know why you have to put in so much effort for a Man like Ezekiel, he obviously doesn't deserve it" Jane said to me sounding really serious and I smile.
Jane Cameron is one of the prettiest girls I have met, she is mixed race just like I am, her mom is an African - American and her dad is Italian but for me, it's the other way around, while my dad is African - American my mom is Italian.

          Twenty three(23) year old Jane is my best friend and flat/roommate, we met when we were both seven(7), my family had to moved to a new place because my mom was transferred and Jane was our next door neighbor , she helped me make friends, one time in middle school ,she stood up for me when I was bullied and since then we've being inseparable. After college 2 years ago we moved into this one bedroom flat together, since we had shared a flat together in college and were used to each other, it made sense that we also live together after college to save cost.

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