Chapter 1 ~ The Meet-Up

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August #1 : At University...
All right reserve to @Luke162
"Tomorrow morning, my alarm ringed and it completely wake me up. Included Jake was waking up. I was like... Urgh, i want to stay in bed forever. It is soo comfortable!"

"Well we gotta go to University, it's the first day right now. Said Jake stretching his arm & yawning"

" *does look* Oh really. Lemme check on my calendar on my phone. I said It in the same time as going to his phone, checking on his calendar"

Troye: Dammmn, your right. Naw i was just acting like an asshole.

Jake: Well, no time for that bad boy. Get up!

"Wow, you don't takes jokes i said with my serious looks."

"Says whos said Jake"

Troye: Whatever.

"I was taking my shower with hot water with my own modern bathroom. Shampoo & Conditioner in my hair, soap all over my body and them washing it off. After taking my shower, i was in towel and i saw Jake wearing a pear of jeans, white supras, a blank white t-shirt and a jean jacket. Plus he was wearing those hipster glasses witch the lenses are real. "

"Now, imma go get dress for school. Or should i say university."

"Hey Mason! What should i wear for university i said while checking at my closet"

"I don't know. Wear your jordans with your red joggers & t-shirt. I don't even know ur style doe. Said Jake opening the door."

Troye: I guess...

After getting dressed up, i was grabbing my suitcases and my back pack and going downstairs for breakfast. When i camed down, i smell the beautiful smell of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup.
I always recognized that smell. Now, i am sitting beside Brooklyn & Jake at the dinning room.

Troye: Good morning Mom & Dad!

Mom & Dad: Good morning Troye!

Mom: Did you sleep well?

Troye: Of course i did. That's why i am started to be grown up.

Dad: Well good! And don't be soo bad boy like in High School.

Troye: I know Dad! That's what i am trying to.

Mason: Yeah whateves bruh.

Mom: And next thing you know that u three are not teenagers anymore, you are all adults who is going to University. And u guys are gonna live here like a couple of years.

Brooklyn: Obviously! -.-

Mom: And Brooklyn, can you at least not to act like sassy queen or like a diva?

Brooklyn: Fine mom! Will try to be normal now."

Dad: Guys! It is time to go at University!

Troye: Wait! Are gonna drive us there. It kinda far you know?

Mom: Why me? You have ur own driving license and your own car. Including Brooklyn & Jake.

Brooklyn: But mom, Me & Jake don't drive. Remember?

Mom: Oh right! Well Troye, you better take them to University then.

Troye: Okay mom!

"Damn, im gonna miss our house. But I ain't got gonna misd my parents because i can Skype/FaceTime them on my MacBook, my iPad and on my iPhone 6.
And i can also call them easily."

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