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"Lord i cant do it i cant do it, Seraph can you please hurry up ?" i said throwing my head back "exactly are you almost ready ?" Ari asked her "Yea almost" she smiled "You take forever to get ready" Ari told her "For real like girl" i rolled my eyes "You guys are exaggerating especially you Moni" she laughed "well i guess it is better then the other day, when i asked you to go to the mall with me ?" Ari brought up "Hmm i wasnt invited" i looked at Ari "Wait when ?" Seraph interrupted "Um the night i had asked you to go but when i was calling you, you didnt answer" Ari told her "Ohhh yea, but i been told you i was sound asleep and i couldn't hear your calls" Seraph had remembered what happened "Well i did tell you the night before, you couldnt set an alarm or something ?" Ari asked her, "I know but i was just really really tired, you know Roman came to my house at 3 in the morning ? He broke my sleep" She said "Roman has been acting weird i tried calling him 10 times after you told me that but hasnt responded, im worried about him" I said.

I wasnt only worried about Roman i was mad because how could he actually move on ? i wanted to hate him but my love for him was too strong "What ?" Ari interrupted my thoughts "Why didnt he just go home ? why did he have to come to your house ?" Ari questioned, "Because he said he already told his mom he was coming over" Seraph air quoted "He was with a girl, i told him to go with her. He probably wouldve said my house but he knew better being with a girl nd tryna lay up with me ? unt uh i wouldve slapped him" I laughed "Roman lying to his mom now ? thats not like him, what girl you put him on with" Ari asked me "NO GIRL, he just kept bothering so i told him to bother a girl who wanted him, i want Roman just not right mow i didn't expect for him to actually go for her though" i put my knees to my chest nd layed my head down "Its okay, but get this he came there smelling like smoke" Seraph rubbed my back "Hes smoking now ?" Ari asked "Ughhhh, i needa use the bathroom" i got up and left the room to catch a break.

"Where did Ari go ?" i said sitting back down on the bed, "She got a call and had to leave" she said "oh okay". "Are you okay ?" Seraph asked me "I will be" i hold back my tears. Ari ran into the room "Ari ? i thought you were leaving ?" Seraph got up "Yea uh, change of plans can i stay here tonight ?" She asked "Yea ofc" Replied Seraph "Yall still tryna go to the mall ?" Ari asked "Yes please i need clothes" I got up and grabbed my purse "Now she knows she dont need no more clothes, i never seen her repeat a fit" Ari laughed "Blah blah blah lets go please" i ran out the door. "Whats taking yall so long ?" i ran back in the room "Were changing" Seraph said "NOOOO" i drop to the floor "You are so dramatic" Seraph picked me up "Okay maybe a little" i laughed "Why isnt he answering the phone ?" Ari sat on the bed "Who ? Jeremy ?" i asked "No Roman, hes not answering and we're supposed to be meeting at the mall" Ari told us.

"You know hes been acting weird lately, of course he doesnt answer" Seraph said "Ughh then he wonders why im not ready for us to jump into our relationship" i roll my eyes "Maybe try calling his mom" Seraph suggested "YUP LETS DO IT, SHE NEED PUT B2A ON HIM ANYWAY" i smiled hard "yea" she ended up calling her. "She said he's supposed to be with us" Ari looked at us, "oh no" i shook my head

We pull up to Romans location, "ROMAN, you better not kiss that girl" his mom said walking up to the car as we followed "Ma ? what are you doing here ?" He screamed "Nah, question is what you doing here ? you told me you was going to the mall with Moni and them, not being managed in some parking lot with some random fast girl" She snapped "Now come on.. come on" he got out the car and walked towards his mom. "Moni" Roman tried talking to me "Its Normani, and please dont talk to me" i rolled my eyes and walked to Ari "Leave that door open" i smiled and she did exactly that "Hi im Normoni, you are ?" i asked "Jari" she smiled "Yea, Roman is mine sweetie, yea you haha, your just a rebound he knows where home his and when i call his name he will come back so dont get comfortable bookie.. nice car.. BYE NOW" before she could say anything i slammed her door nd blew her a kiss

I had went home to my godmom house "Hi godmom" i sighed and sat on the couch "You okay Nor ?" she asked "im will be i just need a hug" i told her she held her arms open "Thank you" i smiled, then two more arms wrapped around me "awwww we cutee" Td said with his sassy self "boy boo" i laughed as we all let go. "Whats up with twin ?" he said motioning for me to follow him "one second" i said, i went to my room and took my purse and shoes off, as i came down the stairs i seen Cam "Sup with ya ma ?" He smiled at me nd grabbed my chin "Cam you so delusional leave me alone" i moved him off of me "Stop playing hard to get" he smirked "Hard to get ? Baby this is difficult you never getting me back" i laughed and walked to the kitchen to find Td but i couldnt so i just sat and ate my dinner

As im watching youtube i get a call.. "What do you want Roman ?" i asked "Moni can we talk ?" he asked "Normoni stop calling me Moni, and were talking aint we ?" i rolled my eyes "Alright Normoni, whats your problem ? you told me to go leave you alone and go with her, why am I receiving backlash for doing what i was told ?" he asked "Roman your joking right ? When i told you to go with her i didnt mean it and if i did you been with her for the last 3 days. THE PRINCIPAL OF IT ALL WAS WE WERE GONNA BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER DURING THIS TIME AND GET BACK TOGETHER WHEN IM IN THE RIGHT MENTAL, you werent there and you simply didnt care about how i felt and kept pushing me to get back with you while im not okay for you so of course imma say stuff i didnt mean. Roman i honestly dont have words for you and dont want nothing to do with you, no shade but lose my number" i hung up and started balling my eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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