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I REALLY COULDN'T SLEEP LAST NIGHT WITH EVERYTHING THAT WAS GOING ON, "Ughhh" i said throwing my phone "why isn't anyone answering the phone" i got up and went to take a shower and etc. when i got out the shower i got a call from Omarion "I seen you been calling but Miya already told me everything is you good ?" He asked "O you already know i'm fine i've been dealing with him for years now, its you I'm worried about don't do nothing stupid" i paced my room back and forth "thats your problem you always worrying about someone knowing you got your own problems i'll handle the fool before he can ever say something to Miya or you again" and he hung up and i sat on my bed throwing my head in my hands

All afternoon i was on the phone with Miya, shes really became a sister i never had, she knows everything about me. But later she had came over with Roman and Ari had came over and then we left and went to Seraphs, i knocked on her door "Come in" we heard so i opened the door "uhh what are y'all doing here ?" Seraph wondered "your dad let us in" Ari told her, then Roman came into the room "Ughh what is he doing here" she said annoyed "uh for the record they drug me here" He pointed at us "look lets just put our differences aside we got bigger stuff to be worried about" Ari said looking at them "Exactly cant y'all two shut up for a second, wasn't y'all just besties" i rolled my eyes

"1 no we weren't and 2 put our differences aside just last week you blew everything up" Seraph said getting smart "blew everything up ?" Ari questioned "yea you told everyone about you and Td" said Seraph, "Not me i been knew" i smiled, they all gave me a weird look "too soon ? my badd" i said and Miya laughed at me "Look things were already falling apart and plus why where you guys sneaking around with each other anyway.. you could've just told us" Ari asked "guys can we not right now" Miya asked "no Miya i genuinely want to know.. why ?" Ari asked and we all looked at Seraph for the answer ".. Because of this right here" She pointed "because of what" "you guys are making it a big deal" "it kinda is a big deal" "look we don't care that y'all were dating just the fact hall kept it a secret for god knows how long thats why its a big deal"

"so you guys are mad that we kept a secret ?... NORMANI DOES IT ALL THE TIME" she pointed at me "first of all its not your place to let my name fly out your mouth when its your drama and not mine" i said getting close to her but Miya and Roman grabbed my hands i wasn't going to fight her just intimidate her, "yea were mad because we tell each other everything" Ari rolled her neck, Seraph let out a little sigh "okay guys now that we got all of that settled the real reason were here is because of Omarion he's in trouble" Miya said letting go of my hand "like what kind of trouble ?" Seraph asked "like Ynw Melly murder on my mind trouble" i said shaking my head Roman gave me a side eye "OH MY GOSH WHO" she asked "Cam from 24th he pulled up on me and Normani yesterday when you guys left us and he said he's gonna kill Omarion" Miya explained

"omg, sorry" "yea you should be" Roman got sassy "you know what.. get out" Seraph rolled her eyes "with pleasure" he threw his arms up "boy if you don't get back in this room i swear i know something" i stomped my foot, "exactly y'all need to chill, we need to make up a plan right now" Ari said, "Wait guys Omarion just texted me" Miya told us and i looked over her shoulder to see "What he say" Roman asked "He's fine and to meet him at the dance" she told him "wait.. so all of this was for nothing ?" Roman asked "..no but its good that he's okay" Ari said looking up from her shoes "alright whatever, good thing we brought our stuff were getting ready at your house" he pointed at Seraph "uh what" she asked "yeah here which bathroom do i use ?, this one" he asked and she just ignored him

When we got to the dance we started looking around for Omarion "uhh do y'all see him" Roman asked us "nope" i said shaking my head "maybe he's late" Seraph said "Yoo" a voice said from the side of us we all turned to face Omarion "oh my gosh are you okay" Miya ran up to him and gave him a hug "yea" he responded "are you sure your fine" Roman asked him "yea" he said again "So you didn't have to.. Unalive someone" Roman questioned "No.. what" he laughed "okay good now lets go" Ari grabbed both of there arms "wait wait wait i uploaded you song to Spotify and iTunes so yea" Roman smiled "and ?" "uhh it got a couple hundred streams but you know these things take time" "okay thats good now lets go" and we all walked inside

I was dancing with Ari and Roman when he dragged us out to tell us something "better be good" Ari said "Umm why are we out here" Seraph asked "yea" Miya agreed "i love you and all but make this fast" i smiled at him "okay can i get a drum roll" he asked we all went silent "be for real" i crossed my arms "Omarions song got 20k streams in a half hour" he turned to face Omarion we all started congratulation him and went inside and we were all dancing with each other until i went to get Miyas attention "Hey can we dance really quick" i asked her "haha yea" she said and we moved away from everyone she wrapped her arms around my waist and i wrapped mine around her neck(sound like you finna choke her), "So, you know your my best friend right ? don't tell Seraph or Ari lol, i mean this past month you've became a sister to me" i tole her "your my best friend, you've been nice to me since the start, your the only one who knows what i'm dealing with" she smiled at me

"aww i love you" i gave her a hug and it lasted for a while, then we both got tapped on the shoulder "um i think your my date, so can i have this dance" Omarion asked Miya see looked over to me "Yea just make sure shes back with me at the end of the night" i laughed and started to walk off but turned back to Miya and gave her a little wink then went to find Roman to dance with him not soon later we hear gunshots "was that gun shots" Seraph asked after she finished talking i ran outside and not soon later Roman Ari Seraph and Td followed behind "OMG" i said falling to my knees "WHAT HAPPENED WHO DID THIS, OMG" i started balling my eyes out , i picked her head up and started rocking back in forth "NOT MY BESTFRIEND AHHHHHHHH" i kept screaming, everyone else was screaming my mine was like i was screaming bloody murder "MIYAA, YOU CANT LEAVE ME" i said as i was pushing Omarion and Ari off so she can have space to try and breathe but they wouldn't budge "CALL THE AMBULANCE NOWWW, MIYA PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STAY WITH ME" as her blood got on my white dress

Season 3 will not be posted til all the episodes are out so give me other shows to make a story where i can add a character or a show where lead role has a older sister and i can replace the lead role with the character

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