"No, another day, by the way, this hospital looks pretty high-end?"

"Yeah, yeah, Jianghai Hospital is the top hospital in Jianghai..."

Just then the phone rang...

"I stepped on the desert boat, with a pipe and an hourglass on my back..."

He took out the phone and saw that An Qi was calling, and smiled at Li Xiaochun: "I'll answer the call."

"You are really busy."

Li Xiaochun smiled, she smiled beautifully.

Jiang Nan pressed the answer button, and An Qi's voice immediately sounded: "Jiangnan, what are you doing?"

"I'm on my way home." Jiang Nan said: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"


The phone hung up.

Jiangnan: "..."

An Qi on the top floor, with a charming little face, angrily, with a little bit of resentment in her eyes staring at Jiang Nan downstairs through the window: "Little liar, you little liar."

Then he closed the curtain with a stab!

Jiang Nan is also stunned: "??"

Your sister, why did you hang up suddenly?

Reluctantly put away the phone.

Seeing that he had finished the call, Li Xiaochun said, "Then if you don't go up and sit, I will go up."

"Okay." Jiang Nan nodded.

"Contact more later."

Li Xiaochun said while turning around and walking.

"Contact more."

Jiang Nan nodded.

My heart is still depressed, just now An Qi hung up the phone.

This little Nizi is so pretty. It's this strange temper.

Chapter 92: necessary

Liyuan District.

The Jiangnan car had just parked in the parking space, and the phone rang, and when I found it out, Zhang Yuan was calling.

The answer key was pressed.

"Boss, it's done, but you still have to formally sign the contract. You will be required to sign it in person at that time, and the other is 20 million to be delivered..."

"Is the date set?" Jiang Nan asked after thinking about it.

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow," Zhang Yuan said: "By the way, boss, how do the hotel staff make arrangements? Should we take over from the original class or what?"

"Of course the original team took over." Jiang Nan said: "This way the hotel can continue to operate. Otherwise, if there are no such employees, wouldn't it be finished? It would be troublesome to find employees again. You should understand the simple truth, or else this What are you doing?"

"Hehehe..." Zhang Yuan didn't answer his lips, and smiled flatteringly: "Boss, I think so too. In this case, I will go to the hotel and let these employees feel at ease. They are now in panic. "

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. Remember to get things done and tell the employees that after changing the boss, give them bonuses so that everyone's mind is stabilized.

"Good, good." Zhang Yuan said: "It's easier to do this if you have a boss. These employees will surely get down to the matter when they know this."

Jiangnan accepts the hotel not to make much money, but to act as a facade, so the hotel must look prosperous, and he does not need to worry about it. This is his original intention.

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