Covert Expedition - Chapter 64

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Eleven days had elapsed since their departure, marking the passage of time as they journeyed onward.

Upon reaching the mainland of Aeolantis, bathed in the light of day, Kazaks, Yzavynne, Lyra, and their companions set foot on the shore from their boat.

"LET'S GOOOOOO!!" Kazaks exclaimed exuberantly as he bounded onto the land, his enthusiasm echoing across the coastline.

"Shh, keep it down!" Yzavynne chided, her voice a gentle reprimand to Kazaks' boisterousness as they disembarked from the boat.

Kazaks' exclamation drew the attention of the fishermen and hunters, prompting Lyra to assert her leadership with a clear and decisive directive.

"Listen up, everyone! Now that we've arrived, our first task is to survey the shoreline for any lurking threats in the tall grass or nearby trees!" Lyra announced, her voice carrying authority as the leader of the hunters.

She continued, "Yzavynne and the loud one, Kazaks, you'll be our guardians. Join me as we scout the area for potential dangers. Meanwhile, fishermen, take a brief respite here before you begin searching for fish along the shore."

"Understood, boss!" Kazaks responded eagerly, ready to follow orders.

"Got it," Yzavynne affirmed, her tone calm and composed as she acknowledged the plan.

With their instructions clear, the group divided into two teams: the hunters stealthily advanced into the tall grass and trees, while the fishermen took a momentary break before resuming their search for fish along the shoreline.

As the day waned and dusk approached, each group diligently carried out their assigned tasks. Kazaks and Yzavynne, along with Lyra and the hunters, moved with precision and stealth through the terrain, ever vigilant for signs of danger.

"Boss Lyra, I've spotted multiple livestock over there," whispered one of the hunters, pointing discreetly towards a cluster of animals grazing nearby.

Lyra surveyed the scene, silently counting the animals before her. "A total of 12 pigs and... 9 sheep. Not quite enough to sustain the entire village for months," she observed with a thoughtful frown.

"Alright, everyone. Quietly encircle the livestock. I'll signal when it's time to ambush and capture them without causing harm," Lyra instructed in hushed tones, her voice carrying authority and confidence.

"Got it, boss," the hunters murmured in agreement, forming a silent ring around the unsuspecting animals as they prepared to execute their plan.

"Hey, I'm NOT all for showing our skills, but do we really need to not intervene, Yzavynne?" Kazaks murmured to Yzavynne, who crouched nearby.

"Let's trust in their abilities. Our role is to ensure their safety from potential threats," Yzavynne whispered in response.

"Seems unnecessary. We haven't spotted any bandits yet," Kazaks retorted, his voice barely audible.

"Patience is key," Yzavynne reminded him softly.

With a signal from Lyra, the hunters sprang into action, converging on the livestock in a coordinated ambush. Working together seamlessly, they captured the animals swiftly and efficiently, leaving no opportunity for escape.

"Nice work, everyone! That was smooth," Lyra whispered, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

"Yeah, we nailed it!" one of the hunters chimed in, excitement evident in his tone.

"Couldn't have done it better myself," another hunter added, a sense of accomplishment in his words.

The hunters exchanged congratulatory nods and smiles, pleased with their successful capture.

"Whoa, did you see that? I was certain they were about to lose control, or worse, let one of those beasts slip away. But they handled it like pros. I mean, they're not your average hunters," Kazaks remarked to Yzavynne, who stood beside him, both observing the jubilant hunters.

"Exactly. Let them handle the hunting, and we'll stick to our duty as their guardians. Trust them and their skills," Yzavynne responded.

"Ah, I suppose you're right. My mistake," Kazaks admitted, his tone unusually soft.

"Thank the stars. At least you're not as stubborn as Qarek. He'd never admit I was right," Yzavynne quipped, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

"What?! You wanna repeat that, woman?" Kazaks teased, feigning outrage.

"I meant every word. But hush now, keep it down. We don't want to draw their attention again," Yzavynne chuckled.

Suddenly, Lyra spotted Kazaks and Yzavynne engaged in their friendly banter and called out to them from a distance.

"Hey, Kazaks! Yzavynne! Could use a hand over here. This brute of a pig is putting up a real fight!" Lyra hollered.

Kazaks and Yzavynne immediately ceased their playful exchange and dashed towards Lyra and the hunters to lend their assistance.

"HIYAH!" Kazaks bellowed as he deftly immobilized the hefty adult pig by restraining its movements with his arm.

"Phew!" Yzavynne exhaled as she skillfully tripped the pig, rendering it even more helpless.

She then inquired, "Got any ropes handy?"

Lyra and the hunters were taken aback by how proficiently Kazaks and Yzavynne handled the situation, swiftly employing their expertise to subdue the unruly animal.

"Wow, you two really know what you're doing," Lyra remarked, impressed by their efficiency as she threw at them the ropes.

"Thanks, Lyra. These ropes will do just fine," Yzavynne said, accepting the coils of rope from Lyra with a grateful nod.

"Here, let me help you with that," Kazaks offered, taking one end of the rope from Yzavynne as they both approached the struggling pig.

With practiced hands, they swiftly looped the rope around the pig's body, securing it tightly to prevent any further resistance.

"Easy now," Kazaks murmured soothingly to the pig as he cinched the knot, ensuring it was secure but not too tight.

"There we go, nice and snug," Yzavynne added, tying off the other end of the rope with a deft twist.

"Great job, you two," Lyra commended, watching as Kazaks and Yzavynne efficiently immobilized the pig without causing it harm.

"Now we just need to transport it back to the boats," one of the hunters said, admiring the teamwork displayed by Kazaks and Yzavynne.

With the pig safely secured, Kazaks and Yzavynne joined the others in guiding it back to the boats, their expertise in handling livestock evident as they worked together seamlessly to complete the task.

"Wait! Hold on, everyone! Quick, find cover!" Kazaks suddenly exclaimed, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife through butter.

Hidden Pathways (BOOK 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora