Laughter slipped through, and I chuckled for a moment, then tried to collect myself when I saw Carter staring at me. I cleared my throat, turning away so that Carter couldn’t see my suppressed smiles. He was so rich, it was like he was from another planet.

My laughter quickly disappeared when I saw the mess once more. I sighed, tossing a rag to Carter and started cleaning.


I wiped the sweat off of my eyebrow and sighed, smiling. I looked around the kitchen, pleased with our work. I turned to Carter, and shook my head. He had gotten more into this than I thought he would. He was scrubbing the floor, down on his knees and a determined expression fixed on his face. The sweat on his forehead was making his blonde curls stick to his face.

“You know that that floor is as clean as it’s going to get.”

Carter didn’t look up, biting his lip and scrubbing harder, his eyes transfixed to the floor. I laughed, placing my hands on my hips and raising my eyebrows. I stood like that, waiting for Carter to look up. Finally, when he noticed the silence he looked up at me.

“Come on Carter.”

He looked down at the floor once more, thinking, before looking back up at me. I tilted my head, waiting for him to get up. He finally sighed, getting to his knees. I laughed, giving him a hug. He was so serious, it was just too cute. He stood still, confused by my reaction. I let go, clearing my throat awkwardly before turning towards the door, hiding my creeping blush.

“Mom! We finished!”

I waited as I heard her make her way downstairs slowly. I walked over to the table, distractedly looking through today’s mail on the table. There were a bunch of magazines and bills for my parents, but halfway through the pile I cam upon a letter addressed to me. I frowned, opening it slowly.

My mom interrupted my thoughts as she walked into the kitchen. She looked around, her eyes widening. I turned towards her, grinning at her expression. I looked around myself, feeling proud at our effort and the result.

“This is beautiful! It is cleaner than it was before!”

I grinned, looking at Carter. He grinned back at me, then nodded shyly at my mom. I turned towards her, giving her a smile as well.

“Well, I guess I underestimated you two.”

I nodded, replying, “You wouldn’t believe how much Carter focused on this cleaning. It’s like he was born to clean.”

My mom’s eyebrows rose as she looked at Carter in surprise. She had obviously thought he wasn’t capable of cleaning like I had. She smiled appreciatively at Carter. I could feel him shuffling his feet behind me in embarrassment, and I shook my head to myself.

I turned to my letter, opening the paper. My eyes widened as I read who it was from.

“Satirick’s Dance Association.”

I turned to Carter, my eyes still glued to the paper, and grabbed his arm, pulling him closer and wordlessly pointing to the paper, too surprised to speak. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion but then slowly changed to shock.

I found my voice again, clearing it slightly. I started to slowly read what they had written below out loud.

“Dear applicant. We have taken your audition into deep consideration, think and rethinking about whether or not you had what we wanted. We decided that you and your partner were beautiful together, and we are proud to announce that we are accepting you two into the performance.”

At this point, my voice had risen to a shriek, before I was just screaming in excitement. I dropped the letter, jumping up and down.

“We got it, we got it, we got it!”

I continued jumping up and down, grabbing my confused mom and giving her a bear hug. I turned towards Carter, prepared to see him jumping up and down as well.

I turned around to see him holding the letter, a sad expression on his face. My jumping ceased immediately, confusion taking over. He looked up at me, his sadness floating across the room and spreading into me.

“What’s wrong?”

Carter sighed before looking down wordlessly. My eyes followed his, and they landed on his ankle. My shoulders slumped in dismay.

Oh. Right.


Hey guys! Sorry I posted a little late, but I'm planning to stick to the schedule, so nothing is changing. Sorry bout that.

So they finally heard from the dance crew, but we still got a crisis. And we don't know what Carter is going to do about it. Decisions, decisions. Yeah so go ahead and take guesses at whats going to happen, maybe it'll give me a better idea ;p

Yeah so hope you liked the chapter, I think its a tiny bit longer than the usual chapters, but its probably still only 2 pages...guess we'll see soon.

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