Chapter 27 Red Sky

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~~The Enchanted Forest (Past)~~

The days passed ever so slowly. Hook was in the bed and every night I'd fall asleep next to him. It wasn't the same. He didn't play with my hair. He didn't kiss me goodnight. He didn't pull me closer to him. I hated it. I couldn't do anything to help him. 

The crew gathered a bunch of food, drinks, and the most important thing, Rum. They brought it all back to the ship for everyone. I sat around and talked with the crew to see if they had any information about the medallion, but they only knew the same things we did. Blackbeard didn't engage much with us. He'd help if we needed it. It seems we're both not interested in hurting each other anymore. Water under the bridge. 

I sat on a barrel downing some rum. As the Captain, I was lost. I didn't know where to start looking for Riker. I had no new information.

"That's not going to solve the problem." Blackbeard broke me from my thoughts. 

"It helps." I mumbled. "I'm the Captain and I'm the one that should have a destination, but it's been days and we have nothing." Blackbeard took the rum from me drank some. 

"One thing I learned, is you never let the crew or anyone see you quit. The second you do, that's when you lose yourself and the people that follow you. There doesn't have to be a destination. As long as you sail this ship with purpose, they will follow you."  That last sentence sounded familiar. My head snapped up.

"Where did you hear that?" 

"I didn't hear it. I read it in a book many years ago." I scoffed. 

"You read?" He glared at me and I hopped off the barrel. "There's this book in Hook's study. It had that sentence written on the inside." I quickly ran down the steps and Blackbeard followed me. I looked over the shelf to find the book. Within seconds, I found it. I pulled it from the shelf and placed it on the table. 

Ship's Haven

"I glanced at the book, but didn't think much of it until now." I opened it and in some very neat handwriting, it showed the names of every Captain the ever existed. It also showed the towns where these Captains like to frequent the most. 

"This looks exactly like the one my father had. The handwriting changes too. Seems it got passed down through the years." I flipped through the pages and as I did, the handwriting changed. I flipped closer to the end of the book where writing was done. "I'll bet you anything this is Hook's father's handwriting before and then the last one might be Hook's."  

Killian Jones of the Jolly Rodger

The Enchanted Forest

"It is his." Then I saw my name in Hook's handwriting. 

Phoenix of the Jolly Rodger

The Enchanted Forest

I was a Captain in his eyes. I always thought he saw me as his co-captain or just as his love. It made my heart melt and made me feel so much more confident. Blackbeard flipped through the pages of the book himself. 

"Looks like this book was passed down from generations of pirates. From the very first ones to now." He flipped some more until he found Whitebeard's name. 

Wolcott Karver of the Black Crystal


"I know that place. I have an old friend who lives there. It's about a 3 days travel from here." Blackbeard said and I couldn't help but finally feel hope. 

"Then that's where we will go." I closed the book and left it on the table. We both walked back up to the main deck and I went to the helm. "Listen up everyone! Full sails and hull the anchor, our next destination is BrineBarrow. That's where we will start our search." I said and they just stood there for a moment as if they were all scared. "Let's go you ladies! Man your stations, I shouldn't have to tell you twice! Get it together or you will walk the plank!" I shouted and they quickly ran to their posts. In only minutes, the big sails were down and tied to the masts. They rose the anchor and we started to move. I turned the ship to the left to move out to open water. 

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