►Tʜᴇ Hɪsᴇᴛ ◄ pt 2: "Go!"

282 7 11

The noise, it's too much. Everything is white and green and red- you can't feel, You feel dead. Well.. that's an understatement, Your almost dead. He's holding you by a bullet, everything is too fast, His eyes filled with spite. And the grip of the gun underneath his grasp.. he's crazy, You shouldn't have never came here, why did you think he felt at least something? It was all his plan. His motive was to kill you.. And now.. He's gonna-


Click click! -


Snapping open fully.

Both your eyes met in Union, You having your heart stop and race in that moment, Death. Had Almost caught you.

You could hear your Shakey breathing echoing across your chest and body, as you widely look at the cold gun at your head, The circle in the middle where the bullet could have marked you right there, you swallow a lump, your head slightly damped with a cold sweat, your beading eyes practically shaking left and right as you fearfully stare at.


His eyes are also filled with shock, as if all the animosity from him had completely vanished from his body and cold expression. What was that? He thought, He turned to a mad man. His eyes filled with so much pain, yet he spat it at you with venom like no other, If that voice hadn't been there. You'd probably be gone by now..


The both of you looked with your eyes only, To where the voice had picked up from your eardrums.

"Miles. Don't move."


The voice sounded of bickering, since it was so far away, the technological voice echoing from the microphones of it's device, made it almost blurry and low quality to hear. Hear??

The headphone..

UNCLE AARON: "I heard the gun click. Did you kill anyone?"

UNCLE AARON: " Miles, Answer me. -"

HIM: "No."

He abrupted before further questioning, His eyes a bore  behind his holographic mask, He turned to the headphone piece, the end of the gun just leaving your head, You sighed a breath you held in. Quietly.. Your eyes went over his figure as he bent down to pick up that piece, If you'd run he'd probably shoot you. But what can you do? Stay?? What if this is it? What if he shoots you, Your heart is beating to fast to stay quiet, Your nails harshly scratching against the cold floor as your head hot and clouded, Laid against the wall as if it's been splattered, blood to your shoes. He turns around, Staring down at you, his pupils sharpen, His head tilts forward. You can see his hand holding the handgun,
Twitching..? He's twitching? An itch to kill you or.. oh.

He's scared to shoot you.

Well luckily-

UNCLE AARON: "Don't shoot her. She has evidence on against us. You'll be in a rabbit hole Sobrino."

A sigh from you, which was a sigh from him too. But you'd never know. He speaks in his Spanish again, It's muffled through the mask but his voice is rugged yet smooth, His body switches positions some. As if it was forever. His headphone piece turned off.

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