Chapter 2 - I Didn't Die!

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The desire for knowledge

The unsatiable hunger for understanding the principles of our universe

This is what we have, we humans have

As we appeared in our monkey form, approximately 3-4 million years ago, we conquered the globe with unimaginable speed

With only one thought in mind...

"Hey, what is behind that corner?"

And so the natural curiosity of us lead to the global expansion of our race

First in Africa, then Asia and at last Europe. Later even in America

As we began to get smarter, build sticks, make stone weapons, discover new materials, the insatiable lust for knowledge still didn't stop

"Hey, what is that big rock in the sky?"

And we even began to yearn to fly to space, discovering new planets and, perhaps, other life

The moon landing happened

All these inventions and discovers all stem from one thing only

Our curiosity

And with evolution having favored us, we gained knowledge and the awareness of our surroundings

These two things combined can have positive effects, or deadly consequences

I have been living in this forest for almost a week now━hunting for food, finding clean drinking water and setting up my shelter. Everything has been going smoothly for now, at least. The problem I have is not the water nor the shelter, it is food. 

These pesky little beasts living in this forest are skittering and skurrying, while I try to catch them. Usually, I do it with the gun in my pocket, but due to the sound, every little beast in the vicinity get scared and run away. I later found the gun in my pocket after my first fight. It would have been useful in that fight.

Life back then sure is hard without a proper weapon...

And lately, my munition becomes less and less, as I continue shoot these animals. I will probably have to find new solutions and build other weapons to hunt those. But for now, this will suffice.

While I hunted, I collected these glass marbles that were in every animal. I kept them for future inspection and because they were extraordinarly beautiful, I might make a ring out of this material.

Over the course of this week, I thought about a lot of stuff, mainly my supposed reincarnation. I already confirmed it but it is still such a intriguing phenomena. I am literally the first person in history to experience this, or am i?  Who knows, maybe many others before me got reincarnated.

Did I, perhaps, got reincarnated into a fantasy world?

This is a question I asked myself a lot. Truth is, I think I am. Due to the abstract animals and objects found in this world, which would normally have been in fantasy novels in my past life, it seems very plausible. But I should not believe these stories for little kids, since they are just constructs derived from the pink, gooey flesh called our brain.

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