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~Her~ Allegra Ulyssa Williams.

I genuinely don't get why I can't just take a shower in the morning and stay in bed binging on Cheerios. I'm late as usual, taking twenty minutes to get to school.
Mrs Lawrence had started her physics class already, and believe me, I could get down with all the rules and illustrations. I find a seat on my left, and as the noise gradually goes away, I pull out my notebook to scribble. I was never able to comprehend my need to attend school. What, after all, am I here to live for? I would not get any benefit from a certificate.
"According to Ohm's law, the voltage across a conductor is precisely proportional to the current flowing....Ms. Williams. A dime for your thoughts?"

Mrs. Lawrence asked me the question, and her face took on a contemplative expression. I detest the focus that was currently on me as I suddenly start to fancy everyone. "It's nothing." Even when I answered her, her eyes remained fixed on mine. What more was she in need of? "Are you certain?" I detest it when people stare at me pitifully, even if I know they're wondering what's up with me.
"Yes." I look away from her and say firmly. The looks and hushes didn't make things any easier. After clearing her throat, Mrs. Lawrence resumed her lesson.

It was break time, so there was noise in the halls. At last, the need to eat was starting to grow. I would just take a bottle of soda and two slices of pizza.
"You're not aware of what I exchanged for your sight with the devil."Luxury lets out a voice and moves her two drones to hinder my path. I furrow my brow in desperation. It amazes me that we used to be friends. Whether Luxury is everything her name implies doesn't matter. All with the exception of me, that is. That in no way validates her as my bully. I say to her, "Scram." She bursts into laughter as if I had just told her a joke, and her two small babies joined in. I've wanted to strike them across the face multiple times, but it's only ever been in my dreams.
"You could always come for my used clothes, I can do charity."Luxury expressed in an overly syrupy manner. I smile, move in closer, and offer, "Here's a suggestion: burn them." Wrens, it's not like you have the potential to be a good person in any case." Her face was visible, flushed with rage and humiliation. Satisfied with my lot, I wait in queue for my meal. "Two slices of pizza and a bottle of soda, please." "All right." To get my tray, someone  crosses me.

"Hey, that's mine." Gazing at the man gripping my tray, I say. Harris Miles Wyatt. Who hasn't heard of him? His eyes are kind of gorgeous, but I've never been this close to him. They drew you in with their blazing shades of blue.

"What do I get if I hand it to you?" I glance quizzically at him as though he had lost his mind.

"I am not having sex with you to get the lunch I paid for. You can have it if you're famished."I tell him. He tilts his head and smirks, "I hadn't thought of it, but that won't be a problem." He handed me my tray, and I inquired, "Am I supposed to say thank you?"

"Nope, I'm glad I can be of assistance." I make my way to the stands because I do not sit at tables at lunch.

"Why don't you sit with your friends?" he uttered. Is he lost, or something? I don't understand why he's attempting to start talks with me of all people.
"What is it to you?" I responded. He glances at me and takes a seat.

"I want to be alone, leave,"I say, opening my bottle of Soda to sip.

"This is school property, Allie ."I paused relishing my pizza, pinching my brows. What is this guy up to? "You are not my playmate. You don't even know me. I'd prefer it if you didn't address me like that."I tell him.

"Allegra,right?" He asked. I could swear I was invisible in this school. I ignored him and attempted to finish my meal while he stared at me.

"Your name, means cheerful or lively." He sounds as if he's proud of himself. Nobody cares what my name means, even if it is not an ordinary one and I am anything but that.
"You did your homework, huh?" I smack his hand when he picks up a slice of my pizza. "You ask before you take, and I share everything but my food," I say, but he still takes a bite. I emptied my tray as lunch was over. I had another class, which I despise, CHEMISTRY. I angrily turn around and say, "Get me a pen, and I'll give you my autograph so you can stop following me." He chuckles and says, "I want us to be friends."
"Pfft, I don't do friends," I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"You could always ask your mother to adopt me. I'd love to be your brother," he replies with a distant expression.

"Hey, the class is this way," he announces. "Don't you think I know that?" I inquired.

'I thought you were silent,' he muttered. "Of course, until you came." He looks at me as if he doesn't understand why I said that.

"I heard you, Allie," he murmurs, scratching the back of his neck. He follows me to an empty classroom. I tell him, "You can go," and take a seat.

"So you deliberately want to be late?" he asks, ignoring my initial response.

"Yes." He settles into the seat behind me and queries, "Allegra..."

"You're the last person I would want to hear a lecture on the necessity of school from."I let him know. He remains quiet and glances at me. WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM!

"Let's be friends."

"What's the point ?"I say. Why is he bothering me?

"I feel fascinated by you. "I want to get to know you."I take my eyes off my phone and say, "No." He sighs and sits lower behind the table. "Are you not going to class?"I inquired, glancing at him. He pulls out a book from his bag and glances through it. "No. "Not until you do," I smirked.

Oh, he'd spend the rest of the day here.

I watched a movie while he was doing whatever. He steals sporadic glances at me. In my defence, I did not ask him to stay with me. I was expecting him to give up, but he seemed to be as determined as I was.

We pass the following three hours, and as the bell rings, I get up from my seat and grab my bag pack.

"Can I pick you up for school tomorrow?" he blurted out. Does this guy have a death desire, or what?

"I'm not sure what you're up to, but no. I would get to school on my own." I say, stepping past him and out of the room.

He yells after me, "I'm trying to be nice."

"So, quit trying. I don't know what's going on in your thoughts, but if your maths includes me, revise your formula again."


A/N: I would love to have your feedback and votes.
Thank you

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